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Experience in the use of FM in Ukraine
Maksym Buksha Ukrainian Research Institute of Forestry and Forest Melioration, Kharkiv
General information about Forestry sector of Ukraine (01.01.2011)
Total area of forest lands mln. ha Forests covered area mln. ha Per cent of forest covered lands % Coniferous forests – 43.6%, hardwood forests – 40.2%, 16.2% - softwood broadleaves and shrubs Average growing stock m3 / ha Total growing stock billion m3 General information about Forestry sector of Ukraine is following: Total area of forest lands is 10.4 mln. ha, from which the area covered by forests consist 9.6 mln. ha. Per cent of forest covered lands is 15.9%, coniferous stands are predominant type of forests. Average growing stock is 225 m3 / ha, total growing stock billion m3 Buksha M., URIFFM - 4 rd FM User Conference, IFER-MMS Source: SFRA-2011
Field-Map in Forestry sector of Ukraine
Research FM technology Practice Education There are tree main directions in using of FM in Ukraine: Forestry Research Forestry Education and Forestry Practice FM users working in different parts of Ukraine in forestry research institutes, forestry faculties and forest inventory service (forest management planning organization – Lisproject). Buksha M., URIFFM - 4 rd FM User Conference, IFER-MMS
Field-Map technologies in Ukraine
Education and Research – Forestry faculties in Kyiv, Lviv and Kharkiv field technology, Field-Map Project Manager, Field-Map Data Collector. Practice – Ukrainian State Forest Inventory Service field technology for forest management planning, field technologies for National Forest Inventory, Field-Map Project Manager, Field-Map Data Collector, Field-Map Inventory Analyst, lot of FM tools for forest management planning. Research – URIFFM field technology, Field-Map Project Manager, Field-Map Data Collector, Field-Map Inventory Analyst. For EDUCATION and Research Field-Map using in Forestry faculties in Kyiv, Lviv and Kharkiv. Each faculty have completed field technology and 10 licenses of FM (FMPM, FMDC) for work in office. In PRACTICE Field-Map using in Ukrainian State Forest Inventory Service (forest management planning organization) – Lisproject, in each of 5 regional branches of Lisproject. This branches located in western part of Ukraine (in Lviv), in centre of Ukraine (city Irpin near Kyiv) and eastern part of Ukraine (Kharkiv). Ukrainian State Forest Inventory Service using Filed-Map for forest monitoring, forest management planning and for National Forest Inventory. For RESEARCH Field-Map using in Ukrainian Research Institute of Forestry and Forest Melioration (URIFFM). In URIFFM was established office for support of development FM technology in Ukraine and we give a technical and methodological assistance for different applications of FM technology and using FM for field data collection on forestry research plots. Buksha M., URIFFM - 4 rd FM User Conference, IFER-MMS
Using of Field-Map for students education on the forestry faculties
In the curriculums of students on forestry faculties in Kyiv, Lviv and Kharkiv included hours for study of professional works with technology Field-Map. In period from 01/09/2011 to 01/09/2012 more then 200 students was educated how to work with technology Field-Map. In the curriculums of students on forestry faculties in Kyiv, Lviv and Kharkiv included hours for study work with technology Field-Map. More then 200 people was educated how to work with technology Field-Map in period from 01/09/2011 to 01/09/2012. Buksha M., URIFFM - 4 rd FM User Conference, IFER-MMS
Field-Map for National forest monitoring program (since 2005)
Since 2005 Field-Map is using for collecting data in the National forest monitoring program. In this program take part Ukrainian State Forest Inventory Service (forest management planning organization) – Lisproject and URIFFM. Every years data from more than 1500 forest monitoring plots put to the FM project “Forest Monitoring in Ukraine”. For data processing and evaluation in URIFFM has been developed scripts which are very useful to automate the preparation of forest monitoring reports. Buksha M., URIFFM - 4 rd FM User Conference, IFER-MMS
Field-Map for National forest inventory of Ukraine
State Agency of Forest Resources of Ukraine has decided to use the Field-Map as base technology for NFI (Program for development of Forest Inventory in Ukraine till Kyiv, 2011) Starting from 2008 in Ukraine the national forest inventory (NFI) activity was began as a pilot project in two administrative regions, colored on the map of Ukraine – Sumska oblast (eastern part of country) and Ivano-Frankivska oblast (western part of country). The State Forest Inventory Service in frame of NFI pilot project collect data on the NFI plots with help of FM technology. Around one thousand plots assessed per year. In 2011 the State Agency of Forest Resources of Ukraine has decided to use the Field-Map as base technology for NFI in Ukraine. It was stressed in the program for development of Forest Inventory in Ukraine till According to this decision 17 sets of FM technology have to be delivered to the Centre of National Forest Inventory. Buksha M., URIFFM - 4 rd FM User Conference, IFER-MMS
Area covered by Field-Map for forest management planning (FMP)
One set of FM technology permanently using for forest management planning since 2009. Thanks to the FM technology for the first time in the history of Ukrainian State Forest Inventory Service the forest management documents were introduced and delivered to the customer in a year of field works. Since 2009 one set of FM technology permanently using for forest management planning. One group of forestry taxators on the regular base working with FM and prepared the forest management plans for Forestry Enterprises according to the national forestry legislation base. Thanks to the FM technology for the first time in the history of Ukrainian State Forest Inventory Service the forest management documents were introduced and delivered to the customer in a year of field works. Buksha M., URIFFM - 4 rd FM User Conference, IFER-MMS
Comparison of time expenditure for FMP by traditional technology (BAU) and by FM
Stages of FMP preparation Traditional technology (BAU) Usage of FM Preparation to field works 1 month Field works 1-2 months Data processing From a couple months to year and more 2-3 days Preparation and printing of reports and forest maps From a couple weeks to months As you see from slide 9 the time expenditure for preparation to field works and field works by traditional technology and by using of Field-Map technology is the same. But concluding work for data processing, preparation and printing of reports and forest maps takes couple days in case of using FM technology. Traditional technology (business as usually - BAU) needs of months for data processing and for reporting. Using of FM technology in forest management planning allows to transfer the results of work to the customer in the frame of couple days. In Ukraine such approach allows to transfer the full package of forest inventory documentations to Forestry Enterprise (customer) in the year of field work. Usually the forest inventory documentations transferred on the next year after year of field work. Buksha M., URIFFM - 4 rd FM User Conference, IFER-MMS
Case studies to usage of Field-Map for data collection after windfall in August 2012
Kostopolskiy forestry enterprise in Rivne region. Great windfall in Rivne region into forests in 24-25, of August 2012 Field work from of August 2012 (5 days) in pine stands (50-90 years) By using FM for 5 days has been investigate about 100 hectares of windfall with creation of maps, data collection and preparation of plans for sanitary cuttings. Traditional technology (BAU) will take more than a month by using of azimuth circle and tree cutting in the line of view. Stages of work Traditional technology (BAU) Usage of FM Tree cutting in the line of view Needed No need Field works 1 months 5 days This year in Ukraine was great windfall of forest stands in different part of country. I’d like to show you general results of case studies to usage of Field-Map for data collection after windfall in Kostopolskiy forestry enterprise (Rivne region in north-western part of Ukraine). After great windfall by coincidence in this forestry enterprise was creating the new forest management plan with using of Field-Map technology. It took 5 days to make changes to Field-Map project such as creation of maps, data collection and preparation of plans for sanitary cuttings. By traditional technology it will take more than a month by using of azimuth circle and tree cutting in the line of view. Buksha M., URIFFM - 4 rd FM User Conference, IFER-MMS
Standing timber volume assessment and assortment
Volchansky forestry enterprise, Rubezhansky forestry, compartment 34 Cutting area ha Accounts trees - 94 Deviations sum of volumes defined by Field-Map before logging and after logging - 0.2% By model trees (-) By assortments tables (--) During research experiment in Volchansky forestry enterprise Field-Map technology was used to standing timber volume assessment and assortment. Experiment was conduct on the area of logging in 0.9 ha. Deviations sum of volumes defined by Field-Map before logging and after logging defined by ground-based measurements was 0.2%. Buksha M., URIFFM - 4 rd FM User Conference, IFER-MMS
Buksha M., URIFFM - 4 rd FM User Conference, IFER-MMS
Using of FM for statistical based inventory of National Park “Gomolsha Forests” Researches from URIFFM conducted project for testing of FM technology in National Park ‘Gomolsha Forests’ aimed to improving of methodology for forest monitoring in National Parks. Two statistical based forest inventory was conducted in National Park ‘Gomolsha Forests’ in 2005 and forest inventory plots has been established on the grid 350x350 meters. Analysis of data which has been collected during forest inventory show a high level of collected information for application in assessment of forest health, forest biodiversity, landscape typology and carbon sequestration on territory of National Park. Two statistical based forest inventory was conducted in 2005 and 2009 Buksha M., URIFFM - 4 rd FM User Conference, IFER-MMS
Buksha M., URIFFM - 4 rd FM User Conference, IFER-MMS
Field-Map for Ukrainian National Reporting to UNFCCC and Kyoto Protocol Data from 25 regions of Ukraine for 20 years period (1990 – 2010) Field-Map is using for collecting data and analysis of information about activity in Ukraine under article 3.3 and 3.4 of Kyoto Protocol and United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). For Ukrainian National Reporting collected data about afforestation activity (article 3.3) and forest management (article 3.4) on the level of forest compartment and administrative rayon's. FM allow easy to prepare the digital maps for afforestation and reforestation area and give a possibility for direct measure of growing stock on this are. With FM technology we can accurately calculate of carbon volume on the afforestation and reforestation plots. Buksha M., URIFFM - 4 rd FM User Conference, IFER-MMS
Thank you for your attention!
Laboratory of New Information Technologies Ukrainian Research Institute of Forestry and Forest Melioration Ukraine, 61024, Kharkiv, Pushkinska str., 86 phone/fax: Thank you for your attention! Buksha M., URIFFM - 4 rd FM User Conference, IFER-MMS
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