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CH 8-2 Creating the constitution

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1 CH 8-2 Creating the constitution
A government big enough to give you everything you want is a government big enough to take from you everything you have.” ― Gerald R. Ford Take out a sheet of lined paper and a pencil

2 The rules are simple Welcome to Trashball!

3 Rules There are three teams Each team will have one member compete at a time, (ONLY ONE!) so keep your traps shut! If you are caught talking while others are working on their problem, your team will lose points.

4 Rules Each competitor is given a white board and a marker You will have 30 seconds to read the question and write your answer on the white board Do not show your answer until I tell you Remember to keep your answer hidden from the other team

5 If you answer the question correctly you get one point automatically
Rules If you answer the question correctly you get one point automatically You also get to shoot the ball into the trashcan for an extra point Bounces are fair when shooting The team with the most points at the end will be the winner

6 The winning team will win something super sweet…
The Winners! The winning team will win something super sweet…

7 Today we are playing to study for our Chapter 8.2 Test
Here’s how it works I am going to show you a slide, and you are going to write your answer(spelled correctly) on the board (if your answer is right, but not spelled correctly, you get the point, but not the bonus shot)

8 Lets Begin Play Ball!

9 Question Which original plan, suggested by James Madison, did the founding fathers use MORE of?

10 ANSWER Virginia Plan Madison is from Virginia

11 Question What year did the Constitutional Convention take place?

12 ANSWER 1787

13 Question The smaller states wanted to base the National Government on the ?

14 ANSWER New Jersey Plan

15 Question How many Branches of Government did both the New Jersey and Virginia plan propose?

16 ANSWER Three

17 What were the three branches of government?
Question What were the three branches of government? You must list all three to get points

18 ANSWER Executive Legislative Judicial

19 Question Explain the system of checks and balances?

20 ANSWERs Allows each branch to check, or stop the powers of the other branches. (Under certain circumstances)

21 Question Which city did the representatives for the Constitutional Convention meet?

22 ANSWER Philadelphia

23 Question How many states met at the convention?

24 ANSWER 12

25 Question Which state did not attend?

26 ANSWERs Rhode Island

27 Question Which plan did William Paterson Propose?

28 ANSWER New Jersey Plan

29 Question How many delegates attended the convention

30 ANSWER 55

31 Question Who lead the Constitutional Convention?

32 ANSWER George Washington

33 Question Along with James Madison, which plan did Edmund Randolph offer?

34 ANSWER Virginia Plan

35 Question Roger Sherman and other delegates from Connecticut offered a deal called the ?

36 ANSWER Great Compromise

37 Question Each state got 2 votes in the ?

38 ANSWER Senate

39 Question The agreement that a portion of the state’s slave population would be counted for taxation and representation was known as the?

40 ANSWER 3/5 Compromise Three-Fifths Compromise

41 Question Because the Southern States couldn't agree, The Convention decided to delay the ban on what?

42 ANSWER Slave trade

43 Question Which month was the constitution voted on and sent to each state for approval?

44 ANSWER September

45 Last Question House of Representatives representation was based on what?

46 ANSWER State population


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