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"Copyright Mary Ann Gawelek, Philip Komarny & Mary Spataro, 2012

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Presentation on theme: ""Copyright Mary Ann Gawelek, Philip Komarny & Mary Spataro, 2012"— Presentation transcript:

1 "Copyright Mary Ann Gawelek, Philip Komarny & Mary Spataro, 2012
"Copyright Mary Ann Gawelek, Philip Komarny & Mary Spataro, This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non- commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced materials and notice is given that the copying is by permission of the author. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written permission from the author."

2 Please go to the following url to enter information about your institution

3 We All Have iPads... Now What?
Dr. Mary Ann Gawelek Provost, Dean of the Faculty Phil Komarny Vice President for Information Technology, CIO Mary Spataro Director of the Center for Innovative Teaching

4 Seton Hill University Catholic, Liberal Arts University
Focused on Teaching 130 full time and adjunct faculty 2,400 students 1,600 traditional 350 adult degree 450 graduate (9 programs) - Faculty Numbers - Tenure Faculty - Unionized Faculty

5 Necessary Conditions Visionary Leadership Next-Generation Technologies
Committed & Engaged Faculty Professional Development Program Necessary Policies - Intellectual Property - Acceptable Use Policy

6 The iGeneration

7 Best Practices for Enriched Learning
Highly engaged learning Application to real world scenarios Development of critical thinking skills Team building, problem solving orientation - Can tech be use as incentive

8 The Tech Challenges 5-7 year old Cisco infrastructure
No student technology program Antiquated wiring across campus 20 access point wireless network 25mb/s of internet bandwidth

9 Enterasys Networks Full network replacement 4000 ports
Power Over Ethernet (POE) Fully Redundant Port based security policies NetSight - One Pane of Glass - Gig networks - POE

10 Ubiquitous Wireless Secure 802.1x and Open Access Scalable Redundant
Ease of use Manageable with limited staff Automated provisioning by density - WiFi Coverage - ABG/N x

11 Internet Connection Multiple paths Disaster recovery
3 private fiber connections 100mb/s - Fall 2010 500mb/s - Fall 2011 Burst to 1gb/s - Spring 2012 - Bandwidth on Campus

12 One Portal One portal for ALL constituencies Single Sign On
Instant access to data Central access hub API Integration Let’s take a look - One Portal

13 Griffin Technology Advantage
All full-time students received an iPad MacBook Pro and an iPad for all First Year Students Upperclassmen able to opt- in iPad training included in Title III Elite Program SHU was the first university to announce that it would issue iPads to all students - Mac or PC

14 The Big Picture FALL First Years Sophomore Junior Senior MacBook Pro
- BYOD MacBook Pro & iPad MacBook Pro Refreshed First Years Sophomore Junior Senior

15 First Year Successes 372 First Years The Largest class in SHU history
408 Upperclassmen opt in 780 13” MacBook Pros iPads

16 Today’s Technology 7000 mobile devices online (Sept. 2011)
Google Apps for Education Moving to the Cloud ZenDesk Support Leveraging our intranet to build community and facilitate learning and administration - Cloud migration - Web based help desk

17 Professional Development
Material/Media Support Range of Experience Contextual Use Relate to Pedagogy LMS Support Consideration of ALL Learners - LMS - Faculty use of technology

18 Professional Development
Web 2.0 & Social Media Applications Multimedia Tools MUVEs Leveraging Video Gaming Concepts iPads - use of mobile devices

19 Implement Course Revision
Development Timeline 45 hours of training Implement Course Revision - Technology Training - Types of tech for faculty - Types of tech for students - List of tech items used by faculty - Faculty resources - How do you train faculty - Online/Face-to-Face/Hybrid Course Revision Proposal iTeach SHU Gallery Fall Spring Summer Fall Spring Cohort 1: 23 participants Cohort 2: 29 participants Cohort 3: 26 participants

20 Sample Products Language Classes Writing Intensive Program
Early Childhood Education Classes Art & Music Sciences

21 On The Horizon: Academics
Technology is changing thinking Mobile technology an extension of self Facilitate how to find, evaluate, integrate and apply information Dismiss boundaries of learning: course, space, time Natural learning communities created

22 Thank You!

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