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Institutional Student Learning Outcome Assessment Report Fall 2015 Assessment Cycle

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2 Institutional Student Learning Outcome Assessment Report Fall 2015 Assessment Cycle

3 What was assessed? Critical Thinking Communication Skills
Demonstrate the ability to interpret/analyze to provide a conclusion or recommendation Communication Skills Demonstrate the ability to effectively present, organize, and articulate thoughts, ideas, and conclusions Professional Competence Demonstrate knowledge and ability to apply professional standards Inter/Intrapersonal Skills Demonstrate an ability to address professional and ethical responsibilities

4 How was the assessment accomplished?
Student work assessed: Course embedded assignments, exams, essays, and projects Measurement strategy: Every faculty member assessed every student learning outcome in each course and mapped course-level SLOs to the Institutional SLOs

5 Assessment Results: Critical Thinking
372 courses mapped one or more course SLOs to the Institutional SLO of Critical Thinking with a total of 2,413 measures assessed.

6 Assessment Results: Communication Skills
285 courses mapped one or more course SLOs to the Institutional SLO of Communication Skills with a total of 1,450 measures assessed.

7 Assessment Results: Professional Competence
326 courses mapped one or more course SLOs to the Institutional SLO of Professional Competence with a total of 2,025 measures assessed.

8 Assessment Results: Inter/Intrapersonal Skills
155 courses mapped one or more course SLOs to the Institutional SLO of Inter/Intrapersonal Skills with a total of 498 measures assessed.

9 Assessment results: What have the data told us?
At the most global level current data meets benchmark

10 Data-driven decisions: How the department has or plans to “close the loop” based on these results.
Planned revision of ISLOs and subsequent mapping Planned revision of ISLOs with reference to The Essential Learning Outcomes of AACU Incorporate the Value Rubrics of AACU Consider revising the benchmark in the future

11 What resources were used or have been requested to close the loop?
Faculty time Funding for faculty to attend AACU Institute on assessment of general education

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