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Register Transfer Specification And Design

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1 Register Transfer Specification And Design
Chapter 8 Register Transfer Specification And Design Chapter 4 Karnaugh Maps Don’t Care Conditions Technology Mapping Optimization, Conversions, Decomposing, Retiming

2 Chapter preview Boolean algebra Logic gates and flip-flops
3 3 Boolean algebra Logic gates and flip-flops 6 Finite-state machine 4 6 Logic design techniques Sequential design techniques Binary system and data representation 2 7 5 Storage components Combinational components Generalized finite-state machines 8 8 Boolean Cubes for n = 1, 2, 3, and 4 Register-transfer design 9 Processor components

3 Register-transfer design
Each standard or custom IP components consists of one or more datapaths and control units. To synthesize such IP we introduce the model of a FSM with a data (FSMD). We demonstrate synthesis algorithms for FSMD model, including component selection, resource sharing, pipelining and scheduling. Chapter Summary

4 High-level block diagram Register-transfer-level block diagram
Design Model High-level block diagram Register-transfer-level block diagram

5 Ones-counter specification
Start = 0 Start = 1 Done=0; Data = Input Done=0; Ocount = 0 Done=0; Mask = 1 Done=0; Temp = Data AND Mask Data = 0 Done=0; Ocount = Ocount + Temp Done=1; Data = Data >> 1 Data = 0 Done=1; Output =Ocount

6 FSDM Definition In Chapter 6 we defined an FSM as a quintuple < S, I, O, f, h > where S is a set of states, I and O are the sets of input and output symbols: f : S × I S , and h : S × I O More precisely, I = A1 × A2 ×… Ak S = Q1 × Q2 ×… Qm O = Y1 × Y2 ×… Yn Where Ai, , is an input signal, Qi, is the flip-flop output and Yi, is an output signal. To define a FSMD, we define a set of variables V = V1 × V2 ×…Vq which defines the state of the datapath by defining the values of all variables in each state. where IC = A1 × A2 ×… Ak as before and ID = B1 × B2 ×… Bp, Where OC = Y1 × Y2 ×… Yn as before and OD = Z1 × Z2 ×… Zr.

7 FSDM Definition With formal definition of expressions and relations over a set of variables we can simplify function f : ( S ×V ) × I => S ×V by separating it into two parts: fC and fD. The function fC defines the next state of the control unit fC : S × IC × STAT => S while the function fD defines the values of datapath variables in the next state fD : S × V × ID => V fD : {fDi : V × ID => V : { Vj = ej | Vj elof V, ej elof Expr ( V × ID )}} Also, hC : S × IC × STAT => OC and hD : S × V × ID => OD

8 FSMD specification of Ones-counter
State and output table State and output table with variable assignments State-action table

9 Algorithmic-State-Machine
Graphic representation of FSMD model Equivalent to state-action table Similar to a flowchart used for program description

10 ASM Symbols

11 ASM rules Rule 1: The chart must define a unique next state for each state and set of conditions. Rule 2: Every path defined by the network of condition boxes must lead to another state. Undefined next state Undefined exit path

12 ASM chart for Ones-counter
(a) State-based (Moore) chart (b) Input-based (Mealy) chart

13 State-action tables for Ones-counter
State-based table

14 State-action tables for Ones-counter
Input-based table

15 Logic schematics for Ones-counter
D2 = Q2(next) = s2DataLSB + S3 + S4(Data 0)’ = Q1Q’0Data’LSB + Q1Q0 + Q2Q’0(Data 0)’ D1 = Q1(next) = s1 + s2DataLSB + s4(Data 0) = Q’2Q’1Q’0 + Q1Q’0DataLSB + Q2Q’0(Data 0) D0 = Q0(next) = s0Start + s2DataLSB + s4(Data 0)’ = Q’2Q’1Q’0Start+Q1Q’0DataLSB+Q2Q’0(Dara 0)’ S1= s4 =Q2Q’0 S0 = s2 + s4 = Q1Q’0 + Q2Q’0 E = s3 = Q1Q0 Load =s1 = Q’2Q’1Q0 Done = Output enable = s5 = Q2Q0 State-based version

16 Logic schematics for Ones-counter
D1 = Q1 ( next ) = s1+s2 = Q’1Q0 + Q1Q’0 D0 = Q0 ( next ) = s0Start + s2( Data 0 )’ = Q’1Q’0Start + Q1Q’0 ( Data 0 ) S1 =s2( Data 0 ) = Q1Q’0( Data 0 ) S0 = s1 + s2( Data 0 ) = Q’1Q0 + Q1Q’0( Data 0 ) E = s2DataLSB = Q1Q’0DataLSB Load = s1 = Q’1Q0 Done = Output enable = s3= Q1Q0 Input-based version

17 Register-transfer synthesis
Block diagram Register sharing Functional unit sharing Bus sharing FlowChart of Square-root approximation

18 Resource usage in square-root approximation
Variable usage Operation usage Flowchart of Square-root approximation

19 Simple library components
Absolute value unit (version 1) (b) Absolute value unit (version 2) (c) Min unit (d) Max unit (e) Min/Max unit (f) 1-bit right shifter (g) 3-bit right shifter (h) 1-bit/3-bit right shifter (i) Adder (j) Subtractor (k) Adder/Subtractor

20 Connectivity requirements
a b t1 t2 x y t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 abs1 1 abs2 min max >>3 >>1 - + Flowchart of Square-root approximation Connectivity table

21 Register sharing (Variable merging)
Grouping of variables with non-overlaping lifetimes Each group shares one register Grouping reduces number of registers needed in the design Two algorithms: left-edge and graph-partitioning

22 Left-edge algorithm

23 Register sharing by left-edge algorithm
X b t1 t2 x y t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 R1 = {a, t1, x, t7} R2 = {b, t2, y, t4, t6} R3 = {t2, t5 } Sorted list of variables Register assignments Datapath schematic Flowchart

24 Merging variables with common sources and destination
Partial Flowchart Datapath without register sharing Datapath with register sharing

25 Graph partitioning algorithm
(a) Initial compatibility graph General partitioning algorithm

26 Graph partitioning algorithm for SRA
(a) Initial compatibility graph (b) Compatibility graph after merging t3, t5 and t6 (c) Compatibility graph after merging t1, x and t7 (d) Compatibility graph after merging t2 and y (e) Final compatibility graph Flowchart

27 Register assignment generated by the graph-partitioning algorithm
R1 = [ a , t1 , x , t7 ] R2 =[b , t2 , y , t3 , t5 , t6 ] R3= [ t4 ] Register assignments Datapath

28 Functional unit sharing (operator merging)
Group non-concurrent operations Each group shares one functional unit Sharing reduces number of functional units Prioritized grouping by reducing connectivity Clustering algorithm used for grouping

29 Functional unit sharing
Partial Flowchart Non-shared design Shared design

30 Complex library components
Unit for computing minimum, maximum and absolute value Unit for computing addition, subtraction, minimum and maximum Unit for computing addition, subtraction, and absolute value Unit for computing addition, subtraction, minimum, maximum and absolute value

31 Operator merging for SRA implementation
(a) Compatibility graph (b) Cost table (c) Merging alternative (d) Cost table Flowchart (e) Merging alternative (f) Cost table

32 Datapath connectivity
(a) Datapath schematic for unit allocation from figure 8.22 (c) FlowChart (b) Datapath schematic for unit allocation from figure 8.22 (e)

33 Priorities in unit merging
(a) Partial Flowchart (b) Design without merged units (c) Design with merged units

34 Unit merging for SRA datapath
(b) Compatibility graph after merging of + and _ (a) Compatibility graph (c) Compatibility graph after merging of min, + and _ (d) Final graph partitions Flowchart

35 SRA datapath generated by prioritized partitioning
R1 = [ a, t1, x, t7 ] R2 = [ b, t2, y, t3, t5, t6 ] R3 = [ t4 ] AU1 = [ |b| / min / + / - ] AU2 = [ |a| / max /] SH1 = [ >>1 ] SH2 = [ >>3 ] (a) Register and functional unit allocation (b) Datapath schematic

36 Bus sharing ( connection merging )
Group connections that are not used concurrently Each group forms a bus Connection merging reduces number of wires Clustering algorithm is demonstrated

37 Connection merging in SRA datapath
Bus1 = [ A, C, D, E, H ] Bus2 = [ B, F, G ] Bus3 = [ I, K, M ] Bus4 = [ J, L, N ] (a) Datapath for SRA (e) Bus assignment (c) Compatibility graph for input buses (d) Compatibility graph for output buses (b) Connectivity usage table

38 Connection merging in SRA datapath
Bus1 = [ A, C, D, E, H ] Bus2 = [ B, F, G ] Bus3= [ I, K, M ] Bus4 = [ J, L, N ] Datapath for SRA Bus assignment (f) Bus oriented datapath

39 Register merging Group register with non-overlapping accesses
Each group assigned to one register file Register grouping reduces number of ports, and therefore number of buses Demonstration with clustering algorithm

40 Register merging R1 = [ a, t1, x, t7 ] R2 = [ b, t2, y, t3, t5, t6 ]
R3 = [ t4 ] (a) Register assignment (b) Register access table (c) Compatibility graph ASM Chart (d) Datapath schematic

41 Chaining and multi-cycling
Chaining allows serial execution of two or more operations in each state Chaining reduces number of states and increases performance Multi-cycling allows one operation to be executed over two or more clock cycles Multi-cycling reduces size of functional units Chaining and multi-cycling are used on noncritical paths to improve resource utilization and performance

42 SRA datapath with chained units
(b) Datapath schematic (a) Flowchart

43 SRA datapath with multi-cycle units
(b) Datapath schematic (a) Flowchart

44 Pipelining Pipelining improves performance at a very small additional cost Pipelining divides resources into stages and uses all stage concurrently for different data ( assembly line principle) Pipelining principles works on several levels: Unit pipelining Control pipelining Datapath pipelining

45 Pipelined arithmetic unit

46 SRA datapath with single AU
(b) Datapath schematic (a) Flowchart

47 Datapath with pipelined functional unit
(a) Datapath with pipelined AU (b) Timing diagram

48 (b) Pipelined datapath (c) Register and functional unit assignment
Datapath pipelining (b) Pipelined datapath R1 = [ a, t1 ] R3 = [ t3, t5, t6, t7 ] R2 = [ b, t2 ] R4 = [ x ] AU1 = [ abs/min/max ] R5 = [ t4 ] AU2 = [ +/-/max ] (a) Flowchart (c) Register and functional unit assignment

49 (b) Pipelined datapath
Datapath pipelining (b) Pipelined datapath (d) Timing diagram

50 Timing diagram for datapath pipeline with pipelined units

51 Pipelined FSMD implementation
(a) Standard FSMD implementation (b) FSMD implementation with control and datapath pipelining

52 Flowcharts for pipelined FSMDs
(b) FSMD implementation with control and datapath pipelining (b) Flowchart for control pipeline with status register (c) Flowchart for control pipeline with status register and control registers (a) Flowchart (d) Flowchart for control and datapath pipeline

53 Scheduling RT description such as ASM chart specifies data operations in each state Flowcharts or programming languages do not have states, but only specify order in which operations are executed. Scheduling transforms flowcharts or programs with RT descriptions Two types of scheduling (a) resource constrained (resource given, minimize time) (b) time constrained (time given, minimize resources)

54 Control/dataflow graph for SRA
(a) Flowchart (b) Control/Data flow graph

55 Basic schedules (a) ASAP schedule (a) ALAP schedule

56 List scheduling algorithm

57 Resource-constrained scheduling
(a) ASAP (b) ALAP (c) Ready list with nobilities (d) RC schedule

58 Time-constrained scheduling

59 TC schedule for SRA algorithm
(a) ASAP (b) ALAP (c) TC schedule

60 Probability distribution graph before, during and after TC scheduling
(a) Initial probability distribution graph (b) Distribution graph after max, + and – were scheduled (c) Distribution graph after max, + and –,>>3 and >>1 were scheduled (c) Distribution graph for final scheduled

61 Chapter summary FSMD model RT specification with
We introduced RT design: FSMD model RT specification with Procedure for synthesis from RT specification Design Optimization through Design Pipelining Scheduling of flowcharts Static-action tables ASM charts Register sharing Unit chaining Functional unit sharing Multi-clocking Bus sharing Unit pipelining Control pipelining Datapath pipelining

62 Example 7.1 Map Representation

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