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Also known as quotations

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1 Also known as quotations
Integrating Quotes Also known as quotations

2 directly repeating someone else’s words
What is a quotation? directly repeating someone else’s words

3 Why use quotations? To prove your ideas are correct
To illustrate your point of view To demonstrate how you arrived at on original idea of your own

4 Rule #1 Quotations can never stand by themselves. They must be INTRODUCED and EXPLAINED

5 Always explain the connection between your idea and the quote you used
Rule #2 Always explain the connection between your idea and the quote you used

6 Always say from where you took the quote
Rule #3 Always say from where you took the quote This includes title of work, character who said it, and/or page number

7 Rule #4 Place the source of your quote (ie. author if necessary; page number) in parentheses directly after the quote Ex. Scout reminds us of Atticus’s polite manners when she tells us that “it was the polite thing to talk to people about what they were interested in, not about what you were interested in” (205).

8 Rule #5 Integrate the quotation into your sentence in a grammatically correct way

9 Incorrect During the trial, we learn more about the Ewells, “lived behind the town garbage dump in what was once a Negro cabin” (227). During the trial, we learn more about the Ewells. “Maycomb’s Ewells lived behind the town garbage dump in what was once a Negro cabin” (227).

10 Correct During the trial, we learn more about the Ewells who “lived behind the town garbage dump in what was once a Negro cabin” (227). During the trial, we learn more about the Ewells: “Maycomb’s Ewells lived behind the town garbage dump in what was once a Negro cabin” (227)

11 Signal Phrases These help to smoothly integrate the quote into your sentence. Ex: Atticus adds that Scout asserts Mr. Raymond believes Harper Lee suggests This illustrates that

12 Other “technical” rules
Use ellipses to take out words in a quote, making it shorter. Ex. Atticus explains to Uncle Jack that “When a child asks you something, answer him…but don’t make a production of it” (116). Add your own words to help make grammatical sense, if need be. Put them in square brackets [ ]

13 Technical rules continued…
Use “block quotes” when you’re quoting 4 or more lines of text. Double-space the quote and do not use quotation marks.

14 Answer two questions to practice quote integration
Now you try it! Read ch. 24 Answer two questions to practice quote integration

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