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Y10: Summer 1: Wk 6: Cold War Seating plan

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1 Key Enquiry Question: Why and How did the Soviet Union take control of Eastern Europe?
Y10: Summer 1: Wk 6: Cold War Seating plan Hwk back (add in Berlin divided into 4 zones E. Berlin SU & W. Berlin divided between Br/US/Fr) Recap in pairs …label themselves a & b: (a)Test partner on terms CW/superpower/Comm & capitalism (b)Test partner on significance of wartime conferences (c)Together recap on Iron Curtain speech who, what, where, when, why significant (use notes page) 4. Intro Key Enquiry question & read handout #2&3 (Poland & E.Europe – highlight & explain) 5. Steps task: intro & explain (encourage aid each other) 6. Set hwk

2 Why and How did the Soviet Union take control of Eastern Europe?
Task Create a ‘stair-case’ to represent the steps taken by Stalin and the Soviet Union to take-over Eastern Europe You will use your text book (p.104+) and the information on the map You will write key notes ‘in’ each of the steps, following these guidelines…

3 Why and How did the Soviet Union take control of Eastern Europe?
Landscape Space for writing! (3) Hungary & Czechoslovakia: (p.105) (2) Romania & Bulgaria: (p.105) (1) Poland: (p.105) London Poles / Lublin Poles / elections / arrests / new govt Liberation: (p.104) Red army / coalition govt / opposition / election / people’s democracies / Cominform War: (p.106) contribution / losses / suffering / German attack via Poland / fear US imperialism

4 Why and How did the Soviet Union take control of Eastern Europe?
Homework: Use p.144 to answer the question… How and why was Yugoslavia the exception to the Soviet take-over of Eastern Europe?

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