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13 Colonies By- Jenna Hantula.

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1 13 Colonies By- Jenna Hantula

2 There were 5 Southern colonies in Colonial America

3 Virginia John Smith Founded Virginia in 1607 Its settlers were from England Virginia was founded because the settlers from England wanted to practice their religion freely, and they could not do so in England Fun Facts The settlers sailed to Virginia on the Mayflower It became a state June 25, 1788

4 Maryland Lord Baltimore founded Maryland in 1632 Its settlers were from England Lord Baltimore founded Maryland because his goal was to sell large estates to Catholic nobleman, who would then profitably rent out the land to others. Fun Facts St Mary’s City was the first city in Maryland Lord Baltimore’s real name was Cecil Calvert

5 North Carolina North Carolina was founded by Virginians in 1653 Its settlers were from Virginia North Carolina was founded for profit made by trading and selling land. Fun Facts North Carolina became a state on November 21, 1789 It was named for Charles the 1st of England

6 South Carolina South Carolina was founded by English colonists in 1663 Its settlers were from England South Carolina was founded because the Carolinas were originally one colony, but the settlements were far apart and hard to govern, so they split the colony apart into two separate colonies Fun Facts South Carolina became a state on May 23, 1788 A major city is Charleston

7 Georgia Georgia was founded in 1732 by James Oglethorpe, who was the leader of a group called the Trustees for Establishing the colony of Georgia in America. Its settlers came from England James wanted to found Georgia because he wanted it to serve as a place where debtors in prison could go to start a new life for themselves Fun Facts Georgia was the last American colony to be founded The leaders of Georgia banned slavery and the import of alcohol

8 There were four New England Colonies in Colonial America

9 New Hampshire New Hampshire was founded by John Wheelwright in 1638 New Hampshire’s settlers came from England New Hampshire was a planned colony. The land was granted to John, who lived in Hampshire, England New Hampshire was part of Massachusetts at one time until England granted Massachusetts to a royal charter Fun Facts It became a state on June 21, 1788 The colony was named for Hampshire, England

10 Rhode Island Rhode Island was founded by Roger Williams in 1636 The first settlers were from England and Massachusetts Roger Williams was banished from England by the Massachusetts Bay Colony for his beliefs in separation of church and state and freedom of religion, so he fled and lived with the Narragansett Indians and then founded Providence Fun Facts Anne Hutchinson was also banished from England, she founded Portsmouth Rhode Island is known for its fierce independence

11 Massachusetts Massachusetts was founded by John Winthrop in 1630 Its settlers were from England Massachusetts was founded because Puritans, or separatists fled England so that they could make a new home for themselves. They came over on the Mayflower. Fun Facts A major city is Boston Massachusetts became a state on February 6, 1788

12 Connecticut Connecticut was founded by Thomas Hooker in 1636 Its settlers were from Massachusetts It was founded because individuals from the Massachusetts colony moved to what would become Connecticut because they were looking for more freedom. Fun Facts It became a state on the same day as Massachusetts, February 6, 1788 It was named for an Algonquin word , quinnehtukqut, “beside the long tidal river.”

13 There were 4 middle colonies in Colonial America

14 New York Peter Minuit founded New York in 1626 New York’s settlers were Dutch Peter Minuit founded New Netherland. Then, in 1664 the Duke of York received control of New Netherland. The name of the colony was changed to New York in honor of the Duke. Fun Facts New York City is a major city in New York It became a state on July 26, 1788

15 Delaware Delaware was founded by Peter Minuit in 1638 The first settlers were Dutch Peter Minuit was Dutch and he formed New Sweden as part of New Netherlands. When Charles II, King of England gave his brother New Netherland, he demanded and received its surrender. He renamed New Sweden to Delaware Fun Facts Delaware was part of Pennsylvania until 1703 It became a state on December 7, 1787

16 Pennsylvania Pennsylvania was founded by William Penn in 1682 The settlers were from England William Penn founded Pennsylvania with a land grant that was owned by his deceased Father. His goal was to create a colony that allowed for freedom of religion due to his desire to protect himself and other Quakers from death. Fun Facts The colony was well-advertised and by 1700 it was the third biggest and richest colony in the New World. Freedom of religion was granted to all citizens.

17 New Jersey New Jersey was founded by Lord Berkley and Sir George Carteret in 1664 Its settlers were from England New Jersey was founded because in 1664, the Duke of York received control of New Netherland. He granted land to two of his friends, Lord Berkeley and Sir George, that would become New Jersey. The two advertised and promised settlers many benefits for colonizing including representative government and freedom of religion. Fun Facts It was named for the Isle of Jersey in England New Jersey became a state on December 18, 1787

18 13 Colonies

19 Credits to Google for pictures.
The End Credits to Google for pictures. Thanks for watching!

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