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Dairy Science and Milk.

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Presentation on theme: "Dairy Science and Milk."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dairy Science and Milk

2 What are some examples of dairy products????

3 Six Basic Nutrients Carbohydrates Fat Minerals Proteins Vitamins Water

4 Milk is a good source of. . . Minerals Calcium Phosphorus Vitamins
Vitamin A Vitamin D

5 Composition of Milk 3.7% Fat
4.5% carbohydrates (primarily in form of lactose) 3.2% protein (85% in for of casein . . .common in white glue) 0.7% minerals and salts 87% Water

6 Processing Pasteurization
Process that eliminates all pathogenic microorganisms Homogenization Process that breaks down the fat to reduce its tendency to rise to the top

7 Cow Facts Lactating cow will drink ~ 30 gallons of water per day
Produce ~ 6 gallons per day Milks 10 months out of year and “dry” the remainder of the time

8 Milk Fat Facts Skim Milk – 0% fat Low Fat Milk – 1% fat
Whole Milk – 3.5% fat

9 Dairy Science FYI If raw milk is allowed to stand, cream will rise to the top Ice cream freezes at 21 degrees F

10 Dairy Science FYI (cont.)
Butter is made from cream and contains 80% fat Buttermilk is low in fat The ideal temperature to “curdle” milk is 98.6 degrees F

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