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Designed for Life Towards World Class Health and Social Care

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2 Designed for Life Towards World Class Health and Social Care
March 2006

3 If you take nothing away, take this
Wales needs a new strategy like it needs a hole in the head Wales needs a process to make change happen Designed for Life is not a “paint by numbers” answer but a call to action to make the change happen We will only get health solutions for health problems if we, the service, own and deliver the change Clinical leadership is vital: without it we will fail Managers and WAG must change to enable those at the front line to drive the change This time the crisis is real : In 2009 the NHS in Wales will implode if we do nothing (or pretend to do something) That means we have 3 years, 5 months, 1 week and 8 hours left

4 Challenges of the 21st Century
Concentrate on Health But now we need to accelerate the modernisation of health and social care delivery Not an either / or , but a both / and Urgency in our approach

5 Tri-partite approach Health Healthcare Social care Strategy
Well Being Strategies Health Challenge Wales Healthcare Designed for life Social care Strategy Designed to Care

6 Why urgency? But… Health and Social Care Many successes
Significant evidence of how to modernise services But… Health and Social Care Unsustainable configuration of services Systems that do not deliver responsively and quickly enough Poor demand management Future recruitment at risk Financial Investment will only make a failing system bigger

7 Intellectual Underpinning
Looked at the best evidence internationally Institute for Health Improvement Modernisation Agency Professor Chris Ham Built into “Designed for Life” Design approach Step change delivery How to deliver whole system transformation Staff and users lead change, the centre facilitates it

8 Why Designed for Life ? Designed : Adds value , delivers quality, “Fit for purpose”, achieved through professional team effort For Life : Adds to the quality of life, not just years to life but life to years What is proposed is not a plan but a process

9 How ? 10 year picture : Vision 2015 3 year strategic frameworks
What will it be like to be a service user or carer 3 year strategic frameworks How we will get there Focus for the service Phase 1 : Redesign Healthcare so that we end long waiting and create a system that works Phase 2 : Quality and workforce reform Phase 3 : Full Engagement by bringing the health and healthcare agenda together New planning systems and investment at the right time and the right services

10 Four Types of Healthcare Organisations
Primary Care Networks Local Acute Services Critical & Specialist Units Tertiary Services

11 A key step Consultation on the part we will play in making this vision happen Not where or when but how are we going to do it 10 key areas to debate and agree on how we will all contribute to achieving OUR vision Publish a detailed Implementation Plan

12 10 enablers Performance management Research and evaluation
Benchmarking Service Reconfiguration Education and training Finance Professional Leadership Clinical Networks Strategic Partnerships Information and ICT

13 Engagement Building a national consensus “A Picture of Health”
NHS Confed BMA RCN CHC Public Engagement Kidderminster Factor

14 …And Finally… 4 key values Will deliver
Staff and users will drive the transformation of services Staff and users must become the masters of the system not its servants Services must be of the quality we would want ourselves or our family to receive Managerial and Professional Excellence will be the norm Will deliver The right service to the right patient at the right place at the right time …World Class…

15 …A Final thought... “Whilst we all understand the past our responsibility is to create the future”

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