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How to Build and Deliver a Presentation

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Presentation on theme: "How to Build and Deliver a Presentation"— Presentation transcript:

1 How to Build and Deliver a Presentation
Objective: Students will be able to demonstrate knowledge of how to build and deliver an effective presentation in order to deliver an effective presentation.

2 Warm-Up Deliver the following speeches to the class:
What is your favorite vacation spot? Why? What is your favorite restaurant? Why? What did you do this summer?

3 Building A Presentation (ACOVA)
Audience Content Organization Visual Appearance

4 Audience: Design it for THEM!
Who are you presenting this to? Will my audience understand this? Can I make this relevant to them?

5 Content: All That is Involved
Did you cover everything? Was your purpose clear? Did you use enough? Too much? Too little?

6 Organization: Make a Plan
Hook- Did you grab your audiences attention at the beginning? Line- Does your presentation flow? Did you hold your audiences attention throughout the presentation? Sinker- Did you summarize everything in your conclusion? Did you

7 Visual Aids: Keep Them Entertained
Are they relevant? Are they important? Are they accessible? Are they simple?

8 Appearance: Perception IS Reality
Do you and your presentation look nice? Are you using “filler” words (um, uh, like)

9 Actually Presenting (PVLEGS)
Poise Voice Life Eye Contact Gestures Speed

10 Poise Stance Posture Your “comfort zone/home position”

11 Voice How loud/soft are you speaking?
Can your audience hear/understand everything you are saying?

12 Life How entertaining is your presentation?
Are you speaking in monotone?

13 Eye Contact Are you making eye contact with your audience?

14 Gestures Are you using appropriate gestures? Are your gestures clear?

15 Speed How fast are you talking?
Is it enhancing or inhibiting your speech?

16 Build and Deliver the Following Speeches
What is your favorite vacation spot? Why? What is your favorite restaurant? Why? What did you do this summer?

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