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Google Blogg Yolanda Tomlin.

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Presentation on theme: "Google Blogg Yolanda Tomlin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Google Blogg Yolanda Tomlin

2 What is a blog? A blog or weblog is an online form of communication where users can share their ideas. The blogging phenomenon began when random users decided to share their daily lives with anonymous online viewers through online diaries

3 Google Blog Google began a free online blogger service in 2005 that allows anyone to set up their own blog.

4 To begin: If you already have a Google account you can simply sign-in. If you don’t, you will have to create a Google account:

5 After you have established an account you then need to name your Blog and your blog address (URL). Your blog’s name should reflect the audience and the nature of the blog.

6 Template: The design of the template can be chosen at this time but can always be changed.

7 Congratulations! Your blog has been created!
Now what?

8 There are a various types of blogs:
By media type: Vlogs – video logs; a blog that has video Sketchlog – a log containing a portfolio of sketches Photoblog – a log containing photos By subject: Political blogs Fashion blogs Project blogs Niche blogs basically if you want to write about it, there’s a blog for you and if there isn’t, you can simply create your own

9 Use of Blogs in Education
Instructional Blogging: Promoting Interactivity, Student-Centered Learning, and Peer Input by Stuart Glogoff Webloggs, or blogging is a method of online communication where a person creates an online diary where they share their thoughts about whatever they believe is pertinent. When used in education, a blog can be used as a space for students to respond to specific prompts, comment on R.S.S. feeds or news articles or simply share their thoughts about issues raised in the classroom. This article discusses the use of blogging in a post secondary education setting. According to the article, blogging becomes especially useful when facilitating a course that meets online. Bloggs enable social interaction between the students that is lacking from an online course.

10 How you SHOULD use Blogs in Education
This article discusses ways to implement blogs in education, how to effectively use them to enhance the educational experience for your students. According to the article, blogs must be incorporated as relevant aspects of the course. There should be a required amount of comments that students have to add to a blog but at the same time, teachers should be wary of setting specific word limits on student entry for fear of stifling student creativety and self-expression. The article also discusses the limits of blogs in education. Educators should be cautious about putting too much of an emphasis on blogs, they’re not the answer to everything. When used appropriately, blogs can serve as an enhancement of the educational experience for both the student and the instructor.

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