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Social Inclusion of residents and returning Roma migrants to Macedonia

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1 Social Inclusion of residents and returning Roma migrants to Macedonia
National Roma Centrum 26 September 2016 Social Inclusion of residents and returning Roma migrants to Macedonia 6/11/2018

2 Activities for reintegration in 6 cities

3 Main objective of the project:
The development goal is the reduction of poverty and social exclusion of Roma communities in Macedonia The project goal To combat the segregation of Roma minorities and facilitate the reintegration of returning Roma migrants in Macedonia Period for implementation June December 2018.

4 Social Inclusion of residents and Roma migrants in Macedonia

5 Measurable project results
Strengthening local CSO’s in 6 cities to provide services for reintegration ( 3 service provision units и 3 open child nurseries) Ensuring reintegration of 500 families and 800 children in 6 cities Access to fundamental rights (personal documents, housing, social and health protection, employment) Legal aid and representation in at least 180 administrative procedures Trainings on civil rights, parenthood and gender issues At least 60 youth attend VET Access to income generation and employment opportunities. Cooperation with municipalities to adopt measures in local strategies and to address the issues of reintegration of residents and Roma migrants

6 kichevo, kumanovo, veles, kochani, shtip, prilep
Project components: 1)Fundamental rights and reintegration, 2) Strengthening local Roma CSO’s for service provision 3) Early Childhood Development 4) Access to economic opportunities and income generation kichevo, kumanovo, veles, kochani, shtip, prilep

7 Component I - Fundamental rights and reintegration
Collection of socio-economic information and selection of participants Provision of legal advice and information or legal representation in administrative procedures in access to fundamental rights Public awareness campaign on Roma rights and reintegration of returning Roma migrants and Roma childhood development in Macedonia in 6 municipalities Training on civil rights, parenthood, and gender issues National awareness campaign for integration and Roma childhood development through media and social media Promotion to decent housing for Roma communities and legalization of their housing areas in the urban planning

8 Component II – Strengthening local Roma CSO’s for service provision
Establishment of 3 Service provision units Provision of technical assistance Capacity building for staff Operational support Provision of basic office furniture and equipment Planning and monitoring Communication and information

9 Component III – Enhancement of Early Childhood Development
Establishment of 3 Open nurseries/pre-schools Provision of technical assistance Capacity building for staff Operational support to pre-schools Provision of basic furniture and equipment Provision of primary health care to infants and pre-school children Exchange visit with Kosovo and Albania We effect supported projects

10 Component IV – Access to economic opportunities and income generation
Equipment for trainings Training in business planning, marketing and entrepreneurship Identification and development of social economy initiatives and business ideas Promotion of self-employment & Access to start capital or materials to successful trainees Provision of Vocational training to youth Exchange visit with Kosovo and Albania

11 Open nursery - Kocani

12 Open nursery - Kocani

13 Open nursery - Kocani

14 Open nursery - Shtip

15 Open nursery - Kumanovo

16 Service providing unit - Kicevo

17 Service providing unit - Veles

18 Service providing unit - Veles

19 Service providing unit - Prilep

20 Project Basic Data Project period reported: 2016
No. of direct individual change owners 2016: 1.577 Women: Men: 1077 No. of indirect individual beneficiaries 2016: 6,308 Women: Men: 4,308 No. of directly participating organizations 2016: 6 No. of targeted communities 2016: 6

21 Provision of legal advice and information and legal representation in administrative procedures in access to fundamental rights Location Place Date Direct beneficiaries Veles SPU 11 Kochani OCN 15 Prilep 8 Kumanovo 18 Kichevo Shtip 9 Total 76 Table Citizens legal education scouting cases

22 Training on civil rights, parenthood and gender issues
One training per city was provided for targeted beneficiaries from the local communities to benefit training in family law and personal documentation law and practice. Trainings were provided by NRC staff. Location Place Date Direct beneficiaries Kumanovo OCN 16 Kochani 26 Shtip Restaurant 23 Veles 18 Kichevo SPU 21 Prilep 14 Total 118


24 Promotion of decent housing for Roma communities and legalization of their housing areas in the urban planning No. of administrative procedures No. of court procedures Notary services Representation by lawyer Notes Enrolment in birth registry 3 Privatization of land Access to MK citizenship Social protection 3 appeals for social welfare 3 litigations in lawsuits Lawsuits Administrative court 1 appeal was accepted by the Ministry 3 litigations against the Ministry were in favour of Roma Free elaborate from Cadastre for legalization 5 NRC applied to the Cadastre Office for free geodesic elaborates for legalization of social welfare users Scholarships Enrolment in primary 10 Aid to illiterate party (filling doc) 80 Preparation of CV and motivation letter 4 Other (state) 1 Table 1. Access to fundamental rights and reintegration

25 Type of document Number of cases Note Copy of Cadastre Plan 2 Copy of GUP, DUP 14 GUP, 14 DUP Birth certificate 4 Notary statements and verification 36 Table 2 Providing documents Procedure Number of procedures File a Claim 7 Appeals Lawsuits Decisions A R Legalization of illegal objects (houses) 150 106 30 4 10 Privatization of Land 3 1 2 Table 3 Adequate Housing (S- Submitted, A- Accepted, R- Rejected)

26 Provision of primary health care to infants and pre-school children
Location School Packages Newborn package Kichevo 60 28 Kumanovo 62 57 Veles 22 Prilep 159 38 Shtip 29 Kochani 50 26 Total 455 200




30 Trainings in business planning, marketing and entrepreneurship
Location Place Date Direct beneficiaries Kumanovo OCN 7 Shtip Restaurant 12 Kochani 15 Veles Kichevo SPU Prilep 13 Total 69

31 Public awareness campaign on Roma rights and reintegration of returning Roma migrants and Roma childhood development in Macedonia in 6 municipalities In November 2016 NRC announced public call for 1st graders to draw and paint pictures inspired by the title of the Call “Me at school", NRC and local partners choose 30 children in 6 municipalities to receive these packages as motivation and raising awareness for the children and their parents before the New Year. All 30 children came with their parents and were interviewed by NRC. You can see their stories and drawings at



34 NRC organized 5 Roma Food Fairs
NRC organized 5 Roma Food Fairs. The food was prepared by Roma women, special food stands were prepared for the events which can be used for further events as well. More than 300 Roma and non Roma visit the fairs and tasted the traditional food. All fairs were covered by production company that is preparing the movie.


36 Thank You.
Social Inclusion of residents and returning Roma migrants in Macedonia National Roma Centrum Done Bozinov11/5 1 300 Kumanovo Telephone: 031/ Thank You. National Roma Centrum is implementing the project supported by We effect - Swedish Cooperative Centre

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