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Joint Command and Control

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1 Joint Command and Control
Present and Future John J. Daly Booz Allen Hamilton Arlington, Virginia (703)

2 Outline Introduction/History Network-Centric Operations and Warfare
Global Information Grid (GIG) Next generation Command and Control (C2) Common Architectural Frameworks for M&S and JC2 Discussion Issues The M&S short course modules are constructed hierarchically: Module Section Topic Item (optional) Content A Module is one PowerPoint file. A Section is a sub-part of a Module. Sections are named on the module’s Outline slide. Sections are indicated by a slide with only the Section name centered; an example will follow. A Topic is a sub-part of a Section. Topics are indicated by a Topic name. Format for Topic name: top of a slide, left justified, no other text on the line, Blue Arial 32 point italic bold. An Item is a sub-part of a Topic. This level is optional. Items are indicated by an Item name. Format for Item name: not necessarily top of slide, left justified, no other text on the line, Black Arial 32 italic bold. Content (text, bulleted lists, diagrams, photos, graphs, etc) is within Topics or Items.

3 Traditional Operational Joint C4I
WWMMCS mainframe “federation” (1960’s) WWMMCS centralized into WIN (1970’s-1980’s) Honeywell standardized mainframes Packet switched network Proprietary/GOTS software GCCS (1990’s) Commercial client-server UNIX hardware/IP based network GOTS/Commercial software Rigid data and software configuration management UB and COP concept GCCS (2000) COE concept I3, GCSS, Collaborative tools GCCS 4.x (2003) Java based O-O COE code PC, Linux, Unix platforms Simulation based GCCS applications

4 C4I is undergoing a fundamental transformation to NCOW
Old: Computer systems based on C2 Doctrinal hierarchy with “add ons” piggybacked to it (i.e. C2->C3->C4->C4I->C4ISR) Hardware based (hard wired), fixed communications paths Inflexible to doctrine changes by design New: “Net Centricity” Software reconfigurable IP based computer Networked system capable of supporting: Conventional C2 doctrine/unconventional non-linear doctrine Advanced information/functionality sharing between any echelon Accommodate doctrinal/information distribution changes flexibly Advanced (simulation based) applications for: Data mining/sensemaking tactical analysis Decision support /COA analysis Planning and execution monitoring Complex warfare domain visualizations/analysis

5 NBC Example: Old vs. New NBC Defense GB Headquarters Horizontal
Fixed NBC sensors Horizontal Components Sensor data NBC “picture” Tactical sensor data (Future Capability) NBC Defense

6 Global Information Grid (GIG)
Enabler for Next Generation C2 Global “Info sphere” based on: Integrated Seamless Global Communications: MILSAT/COMSAT Optical land networks IP enabled flexible “ad hoc” networks: JTRS Other mobile communications equipment Web Based Enterprise Services (NCES/GES) Platform/OS independent Commercial base/Military specific COI functionality Leveraging M&S technology lead? Business and process rules for Network/System management Eliminate concerns on data/functionality sharing

7 Next generation C2 Based on GIG capabilities, and successes of GCCS:
Emphasis on common solutions to operational needs: Joint Applications Minimize redundancies Capabilities based design, vice system based Tailorable system to mission/function with “Relevant” Common Operational Picture (COP) Geospacial database of information Advanced applications for sensemaking etc.. Planning/execution monitoring with integral M&S past, current ,future views Advanced M&S decision support/visualization capability Based on NCW, SJFH and JBMC2 et all..

8 Common Architectural Frameworks For M&S and JC2
MDA Approach required for modern C4 systems: Architectures too complex for 2-D description: N vs. N possibilities Ad hoc characteristics Dynamic network configuration/reconfiguration Architectures as a collection of dynamic objects, and their interactions vice “wiring diagrams” “Executable” architectures provide enhanced insight for Life cycle: design, procurement, deployment and management. M&S MDA approach in common with C2 would yield the integration of these systems. This is crucial to meet the requirements of NCOW.

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