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Online ‘personalised’ feedback – why, how and what impact?

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Presentation on theme: "Online ‘personalised’ feedback – why, how and what impact?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Online ‘personalised’ feedback – why, how and what impact?
Rachel Applegate & Yvonne Moore Learning Technologists, Faculty of Engineering & Design

2 Why think about ‘personalised’ feedback?
"For feedback to be really effective in stimulating and sustaining a cycle of academic development for a student, it has to place the student’s own position at the heart of the process….we should be thinking about whether… individual students have the tools they need to take that feedback and use it properly… …The question is, how can we make our feedback process take into account each student’s whole academic journey, rather than just a single assignment, without creating a massive burden for the few academics who do see a student’s progress across the whole of their degree?“ A Personalised Feedback Cycle (By Caroline Hetherington and Louise Fearn)

3 How? Examples of feedback (and feed forward) throughout the academic cycle Face-to-face / online during teaching time Formative assessment Summative assessment

4 Electronic Voting Some Examples More resources
Engaging with students to provide immediate feedback in class Electronic Voting TurningPoint Cloud - Poll Everywhere,, Mentimeter etc. Study Space Some Examples More resources

5 Providing ongoing feedback in the online space
Study Space App Anonymous question and answer – informs teaching Student reflection Blogging with staff/student commenting Example Using blogs for student reflections, content generation and just-in-time feedback (Dr Graham Low, University of York, 2011) More resources

6 Formative assessment Self-assessment MCQs
Conditional activities (based on MCQ results student sent to further support e.g. academic skills) Examples (University of Edinburgh) Other Examples

7 Formative assessment Video / audio feedback
Panopto (can do both audio / video) PoodLL – coming soon? Audio feedback directly in Moodle via Text editor Smartphone or tablet Could be individual or generic Examples More resources

8 Generic assessment (exam or coursework) feedback
Summative assessment Generic assessment (exam or coursework) feedback Encouraging reflection – turning feedback into feed forward Examples

9 Further Resources References Hetherington C. and Fearn L, A Personalised Feedback Cycle, Big Conversation[Online]. University of Birmingham. Available from: [Accessed 31/03/2017]

10 What technology do you use for feedback?
Discussion questions? What technology do you use for feedback? What technology could you use for student reflection? What training would you need? What time commitment is needed? What can the students do for themselves? What technology resources do they need?

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