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County Other Funds 2017 Budget Presentation

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1 County Other Funds 2017 Budget Presentation

2 Special Revenue Funds –
Transient Room Tax – 90% PC/Summit County Chamber Bureau; 10% County projects. $12.5 million. $7.4 million estimated revenues, $5.0 million from fund balance. County projects include fair and fairgrounds, history department. Restaurant Tax – 90% committee recommended projects; 10% County projects. $2.7 million. $2.7 million estimated revenues RAP Tax – 50% cultural projects; 50% recreation projects. $1.63 estimated revenues. $500 thousand bond payment (recreation portion, bond expires 2019). County keeps 1.5% for administration (transfer to operating funds).

3 Capital Projects - Agent
Open Space – fund includes BOSAC ($3.3m), ESAP ($1.3m), open space maintenance ($160k), affordable housing ($1.5m). Budgeted amounts total $4.87 million. General Capital Agent – COG right of way funds. Budgeted amount $500 thousand.

4 Fleet Lease Fund $4.2 million budget.
$1.27m from depts; nearly $820k from grants; $2.17m from fund balance. $606 thousand for replacement vehicles. $320 thousand for ambulance replacement and defibrillators. $610 thousand for technology equipment, Treasurer’s archive project, NexGen E911. $1.33 million for heavy equipment, trucks. $1.18 million for eBike program.

5 Non-Profit Grants The County may provide money or nonmonetary services to a nonprofit entity if, in the judgment of the Council, “the assistance contributes to the safety, health, prosperity, moral well-being, peace, order, comfort, or convenience of county residents.” (UCA (3)(a)

6 Non-Profit Grants - Process
Application process is opened up during month of July. Applicants are reviewed by the County Attorney. Budget Committee reviews Attorney’s recommendations and applications in view of historical funding and prior applications.

7 Non-Profit Grants – Attorney’s Criteria
Does this application help to fulfill a core government function? Does this application help to fulfill a policy of either the Snyderville Basin or Eastern Summit County General Plans? Does this application help to fulfill a specific vision or goal specified by the County Council?

8 Non-Profit Grants - Recommendations
Name Amount Requested Amount Recommended Habitat for Humanity $ 5,000 Nuzzles & Co. 30,000 PC Historical Society 1,000 – 50,000 1,000 PC Sailing 10,000 PC Tots 25,000 Peace House People’s Health Clinic South Summit Trails 17,500 SCPW (Power Works) Summit Land Conserv. 15,000 Uinta Headwaters 50,800 7,500 288,300 93,500

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