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Aim: Why is the coordinate system important?

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: Why is the coordinate system important?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: Why is the coordinate system important?
Kickoff: Write down everything you know about Latitude: Longitude: Equator:

2 Can you Sink my Battleship?
72°W 73°W 74°W 75°W 76°W 77°W 78°W 79°W 80°W 81°W 42° N 43° N 44° N 45° N 46° N 47° N 48° N 49° N Can you Sink my Battleship? Can you Sink my Cruiser? Aircraft Carrier Battleship Cruiser Destroyer Submarine

3 How do you describe a coordinate system?
Coordinate system: is a system that uses a grid of imaginary lines to locate any position on earth (Latitude and Longitude) Compass

4 How do we define lines of latitude?
Lines of Latitude: distance in degrees north or south of the equator 0º (reference line) Also called parallels (lines that never touch) Equator separates the northern and southern hemisphere Run east to west but are labeled North or South Measure from 90ºN to 0º to 90ºS Latitude “Fatitude”

5 Identify the important Lines of Latitude
B Equator = 0º Antarctic Circle = 66.5ºS F Tropic of Cancer = 23.5ºN D North Pole = 90ºN A Arctic Circle = 66.5ºN E Tropic of Capricorn = 23.5ºS G South Pole = 90ºS C

6 How do we label latitude points?
Label The following points of latitude: A: B: C: 30ºN 60ºS A B C E D 15ºN Which two points are on the same latitude? Latitude Points A and E are on the same latitude at 30ºN

7 How do we define lines of longitude?
Lines of Longitude: distance in degrees east or west of the Prime Meridian (GMT) (reference line) Prime Meridian (0º) - passes through Greenwich, England Longitude lines are also called Meridians (meet at the poles) Run north to south but are labeled East or West Range from 0º – 180º Lines of Longitude are 15º apart

8 How do we label lines of longitude?
West East International Date Line – 180º Zig-Zag line (jagged line) 60ºW 30ºW 30ºE Prime Meridian = 0º 60ºE 180ºE 180ºW 45ºW 15ºW 15ºE 45ºE One day ahead of west One day behind east

9 How do we label longitude points?
Label The following points of longitude: A: B: C: A B C E D 30ºW 45ºW 30ºE Which two points are on the same longitude? Longitude Points D and E are on the same longitude at 0º

10 Longitude and Latitude are measured in angular units: degrees (o) and minutes (‘)
There are 60 minutes in a degree

11 How does the captain teach his crew where they’re going and how long they have?

12 How to locate Polaris? Locate the Big Dipper
The pointer stars of the Big Dipper, will point straight to the Little Dipper’s handle. The first star on the little dipper handle is Polaris (north star). Pointer Stars Big Dipper Little Dipper

13 How is Polaris viewed from Earth?
Altitude – how high in the sky (the height of a star) Sextant / Astrolabe – device used to find the altitude of star. Polaris altitude equals your latitude! From the North Pole to the Equator: From the Equator to the North Pole: As Latitude decreases, Altitude of Polaris decreases As Latitude increases, Altitude of Polaris increases A B A to B: Latitude stays the same, Polaris stays the same

14 Latitude Polaris- the North Star- is located directly over the North Pole. The angle of Polaris above the horizon is the same as the latitude of that point.

15 How does Polaris equal Latitude for New York?
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Little Dipper Big Dipper Latitude NY = 42ºN Polaris Polaris Altitude = 42º Pointer Stars 43° Horizon

16 Determine the Altitude of Polaris at Tampa, Florida?
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Latitude Tampa = 30ºN Polaris Altitude = 30º Polaris Horizon

17 Determine the Altitude of Polaris at the Equator?
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 Equator: Polaris is at the horizon! Latitude Equator = 0º Polaris Altitude = 0º Polaris

18 Practice Regents Question:

19 Latitude and Longitude Summary Activity

20 Latitude and Longitude Summary Activity
Determine the latitude and longitude of the following letters Letter Latitude Longitude G D Determine the Letter by using the following latitude and longitude coordinate Letter Latitude Longitude 150ºW 15ºS 75ºE E 30ºS H 15ºN 45ºW

21 Extra Summary Questions
1. Why is the coordinate system important?

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