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대한소화기내시경학회 월례 집담회 허우영·차재명·이정일·주광로·정성원·신현필· 경희대학교 동서신의학병원 내과학교실
CC & PI CC : Exertional dyspnea, dizziness Remote onset: 2 months ago
Recent aggravation: 1 months ago PI:A 60-year-old man presented to the emergency department with complaints of dyspnea and dizziness. Two months ago, he underwent an upper endoscopy, colonoscopy and cardiac single photon emission computed tomography in another hospital and the results were all within normal limits.
PMHx, FHx & SHx Past-medical Hx:
DM/HT/Tuberculosis/Hepatitis (-/-/-/-) allergy(-), operation(-) Biopsy of a chest wall mass, a fine needle aspiration of a cervical lymphadenopathy in another hospital non-specific finding. Family Hx: unremarkable Social Hx: non-smoker non-drinker
Review of systems General: fever/chill (-/-), weight loss(+) : 7kg/2 mon HEENT: headache (-),sore throat (-), tinnitus(-) Respiratory: dyspnea(+), cough/sputum (-/-), CV: chest pain (-) orthopnea (-), DOE(+) GI: anorexia/ nausea/ vomiting (-/-/-) constipation/diarrhea (-/-) melena/hematochezia (+/-) : 5 days ago GU: dysuria/urgency/freqeuncy (-/-/+), nocturia (-)
Physical examination (I)
V/S: 117/65 mmHg - 79/min - 20/min ℃ height : 177 cm weight : 87.5 kg G/A: healthy, well-oriented HEENT: 2cm ovoid mass on the forehead and right vestibule of the oral cavity 2.5cm ovoid mass in the submandibular area Chest : Rt. supraclavicular lymphadenopathy and bilateral axillary lymphadenopathies without tenderness 2cm ovoid mass on the chest wall
Physical examination (II)
Abdomen : slightly distended abdomen no palpable organomegaly normoactive bowel sound tenderness/rebound tenderness (-/-) Back and Extremities deformities (-), pretibial pitting edema (-), CVA tenderness (-) Neurology: motor/sensory – intact
Laboratory Data CBC: 6,800/mm3 - 6.2 g/dl – 297 x 103/mm3
(Seg 72.2% Lympho 17.7%) Chemical battery: protein/albumin 6.0/3.7 g/dl, AST/ALT 11/17 IU/L, ALP/rGT 94/16 IU/L, TB 0.3 mg/dl LD 192 IU/L CK 60 IU/L Ca/P 6.8/2.4 mg/dl, cholesterol 93 mg/dl glucose 125 mg/dl, BUN/Cr 18/1.1 mg/dl Na:139 mEq/L, K: 3.9 mEq/L, Cl:107 mEq/L
S-iron was 13 ㎕/dl S-ferritin 5.4 ng/ml
Total iron-binding capacity 394 ㎕/dl CEA 0.6ng/mL CA U/mL Anti-HIV Ab (-) Urine analysis: WNL, HBsAg/Ab(-/+) EKG: normal sinus rhythm, Chest X-ray: normal
EGD A friable ulcerofungating mass was noted over 10 cm segment in the proximal jejunum
Abdominal CT Abdominal CT shows a 9.4 x 9.0 cm enhancing lobulated mass originating from the proximal jejunum.
SBS Small bowel series shows a growing exophytic mass (arrows) with central ulcers in the proximal jejunum.
Multiple areas of lymphoma infiltration.
About a 2.3 cm ovoid mass in the right submandibular space. (B, C) Multiple oval or round masses in the musculoskeletal soft tissue in the chest wall and pectoralis major muscle. (D) Right supraclavicular lymphadenopathy.
Diffuse plasmablastic infiltrate with abundant cytoplasm, round nuclei, and occasionally central locating nucleoli (H-E stain, x400). The lymphoid infiltrate was positive for MUM1 (Polymer method, x200). Lambda light chain reactivity is seen in virtually all tumor cells (Polymer method, x400). (D) The stain for Ki-67 demonstrates nuclear staining in approximately 70% of the neoplastic cells (Polymer method, x400).
Plasmablastic lymphoma
Final Diagnosis Plasmablastic lymphoma
Plasmablastic lymphoma(I)
A subtype of diffuse large B-cell lymphoma Male gender Associated with immunodeficiency HIV infection Most patients primary oral lesions 1/3 extra-oral locations G-I tract : m/c extra-oral site Progression Frequently widespread The central nervous system, abdominal viscera, musculoskeletal soft tissue
Plasmablastic lymphoma(II)
The histological appearance Monomorphic with a diffuse lymphoid infiltrate and a cohesive growth pattern. The neoplastic cells resemble plasmablasts with eccentric round or oval nuclei that have fine chromatin.
Plasmablastic lymphoma(III)
Immunophenotype Negative for the typical B-cell antigens e.g., CD20 and CD45 Positive for plasma cell markers MUM1, EMA, CD38, and CD138 Immunoglobulin light chains in the cytoplasm Positive staining for lambda, but not kappa High rate of mitotic activity by the Ki-67 proliferation index
Plasmablastic lymphoma(IV)
DDx. Plasmacytoma Mature plasma cells without a high rate of mitotic activity. Diffuse large B-cell lymphomas Nearly always express CD20, CD45RA and CD79a Burkitt’s lymphomas Express CD20, CD45RA and CD79a, the membrane-bound IgM heavy chain isotype
Plasmablastic lymphoma(V)
Prognosis Very poor with a rapidly progressive clinical course. An optimal chemotherapy regimen has not been established.
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