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Creating The Student Change Agent The Not In Our School Model

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Presentation on theme: "Creating The Student Change Agent The Not In Our School Model"— Presentation transcript:

1 Creating The Student Change Agent The Not In Our School Model

2 Goal: To help you inspire your students to become “upstanders” and create a democratic society that is free of bullying and harassment and ensures everyone feels safe, accepted and free of racism, homophobia, and intolerance. 2

3 Outcomes for Today By the end of this session, we hope you will:
Understand the importance of addressing bullying and teaching students to speak up and to be upstanders. Learn peer-to-peer strategies to teach students to be change agents and lead the way. Get ideas for using digital media and film to initiate dialogue and action. Learn about the Not In Our School movement as a powerful way to address all forms of intolerance.

4 Agenda Welcome and Introductions
Introduce Not In Our School and Not In Our Town View NIOS Website Examine Bullying and Harassment View NIOS films: Creating Student Change Agents Use NIOS tools in Your Classroom Next Steps 4

5 Presenter: Dr. Becki Cohn-Vargas
has over 35 years experience as a teacher, principal, and superintendent and initiated Not in Our School: Palo Alto, a yearly K-12 district-wide effort to combat bullying, harassment, homophobia and racism. 5

6 Creating the Student Change Agent: Turning Bystanders into Upstanders
An upstander takes a stand against injustice - whether it is large or small. The upstander witnesses a harm being committed and takes positive, non-violent action to help intervene, and to support or stand up for the person being harmed. 6

7 About you… Find someone that you do not know.
My name is… and I teach at….. I have worked in education/ youth development for _____ years. Share about a time when you were bullied, witnessed bullying, or acted as an upstander and/or when it happened at your school site. Let’s spend sometime getting to know who is here with us today, and why they have chosen to be here. Find some-one that you do not know and stand back to back. When instructed face each other and engage in a 3 min dialogue answering the following about each other. My name is… and I teach at….. I work with students in the__ grades, as a ______. I have worked in education/ youth development for _____ years. I care about ending bullying and intolerance because…. Next, Introduce your partner to the larger group sharing interesting and pertinent information from your conversation. 7

8 Not In Our Town highlights communities working together to stop hate.
These stories have motivated others across the world to speak up and take action to develop their own initiatives which overpower the hateful actions and voices in their communities. Learn more at 8

9 What is Not in Our School (NIOS)?
About Not In Our School What is Not in Our School (NIOS)? Not in Our School Inspires students to find ways to speak out to stop hate, bullying, and prejudice. Helps educators hear how others have worked to create safe and inclusive classrooms and schools.

10 About Not In Our School 10

11 About Not In Our School offers: Short videos
Online action tools School-wide activities Lesson plans & activity guides

12 Bullying includes three important components:
1. Aggressive behavior that involves unwanted, negative actions-both verbal and physical.
 2. A pattern of behavior repeated over time.
 3. An imbalance of power or strength. Cyberbullying is when a person is bullied or otherwise targeted by another using the Internet, digital technologies, or mobile phones.

13 Bullying/Harassment: Collecting Our Data
Put heading in bold on a stickie Blue- Handled Well Yellow- Not Handled or Improvement Needed Bullying 80% of adolescents report being bullied. Source: Maine Project Against Bullying Cyber Bullying: 42% of kids have been bullied while online. 1 in 4 have had it happen more than once. Source: I-Safe, 2004 Bullying often targets race, sexual orientation, and disability. Source: California Health Kids Survey Bullying Prevention: Activities in your School 13

14 Students Teach Students to Stand Up to Bullying: A Case Study in Awareness

15 1. What did you notice about this approach to addressing bullying?
Students Teach Students to Stand Up to Bullying: A Case Study in Awareness 1. What did you notice about this approach to addressing bullying? 2. What did you notice about student-driven actions and leadership? 3. How could you use this film in your curriculum? 15

16 Recognizing the Places and Types of Bullying: A Case Study in Awareness

17 Reflect on what you just saw:
Recognizing the Places and Types of Bullying: A Case Study in Awareness Reflect on what you just saw: What about the strategies discussed in the film did you find most interesting? How can you link NIOS to your social studies curriculum? What strategies could you use in your school, district, and community? 17

18 What other educators have done:
Join the NIOS Movement What other educators have done: Engage with 20 short videos Lesson plans and activity guides School-wide activities Online interactive networking NIOS Newsletter Organized student-led schoolwide Not in Our School Campaigns: Week of action with film showings, assemblies, programs, lunchtime activities Anti-hate art exhibits and contests Focus on response to local incidents of bullying, homophobia, or racism 18

19 Next steps: What will you do to with the information you learned today? What activities will you take back to your school or district to prevent bullying and promote safety and acceptance? How can NIOS further support you in your efforts? 19

20 Thank You for Joining Us!
Please fill out your session evaluation and be sure to log onto 20

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