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Revelation 4 views of the Book of Revelation

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1 Revelation 4 views of the Book of Revelation
Epistle – Letter from one to one or many (only three NT books not epistles, Matthew, Mark, John.) Prophetic – Foretelling of future information Apocolypse (apocalupsis) unveil the curtain (Daniel, Zechariah, Isaiah, etc) non-inspired writing, centuries later, claiming to be Mordecai, wrote a paragraph before the book of Esther and a paragraph added to the end. Behold thunder and earthquake, two dragons came together to fight; tumult upon the earth threatened to destroy the earth…. I remember the dream that I had concerning these matters, all are fulfilled. The stream is Esther. The two dragons are Haman and Mordecai, etc.

2 Outline Chapter 1 (Epistle / Was) Chapters 2-3 (Is)
Chapter 4/ (Will Be) There is only one view that identifies the writing of Revelation as future, predictive. Internal Evidence (inspired) – supports the earlier Date External Evidence (non-inspired / informative) – Supports the later Date

3 Pre-Tribulation Post-Tribulation
Are we talking about Pre-Trib and Post-Trib?

4 Pre-millenial Post-millenial
Are we talking about pre- Millenial and Post- Millenial?

5 Revelation 4 views of the Book of Revelation
Epistle – Letter from one to one or many (only three NT books not epistles, Matthew, Mark, John.) Prophetic – Foretelling of future information Apocolypse (apocalupsis) unveil the curtain (Daniel, Zechariah, Isaiah, etc) non-inspired writing, centuries later, claiming to be Mordecai, wrote a paragraph before the book of Esther and a paragraph added to the end. Behold thunder and earthquake, two dragons came together to fight; tumult upon the earth threatened to destroy the earth…. I remember the dream that I had concerning these matters, all are fulfilled. The stream is Esther. The two dragons are Haman and Mordecai, etc.

6 Descriptive or Predictive?
Descriptive: Past, already happened Predictive: Future, will happen

7 [ Like the Movie NARNIA ]
Allegorical Non-Literal [ Like the Movie NARNIA ]


9 Preterist Historical – Specific Christians VS Jews/Pagans
[ Descriptive: Historical ] The preterist view is “Descriptive” not “Predictive” in its nature, and destroys any futuristic application of the book of Revelation. According to the Preterist View, all events are past.

10 Historical Revelation Represents All of Church History Past
[ Mostly Descriptive ] The Historical View is closer to what we believe is true about the book of Revelation that is, that it is both descriptive and predictive, but mostly predictive. However this view of the book of Revelation is unbalanced in that it is mostly descriptive and only slightly predictive. This means that the Historical view see most of Revelation having already occurred, but that some of the events of Revelation, such as the person of the Beast, appearing in Chapter 13, is usually applied to a person or institution at the time of the reader. This view became popular among those living at the time of rise of the power of the Catholic church, which named the Pope as the Beast or the Anti-Christ. As many as 50 different persons have been named as the Anti-Christ or the Beast of Chapter 13 based on this view; almost always during the lifetime of the person reading and interpreting the book with this view. Persons Such as: The Pope, other church leaders, governments leaders such as Hitler and Stalin, and even people such Ronald Reagan.

11 [ Describes the Future ]
Futurist Prophetic / Unveiling Predictive [ Describes the Future ] In its strictest sense, the entire book of Revelation would be interpreted as fully Predictive, or futuristic; events that have not yet taken place. Although this is generally the preferred view of the book of Revelation, that is not true entirely.

12 [ Mostly Describing the Future ]
Mostly Futurist Mostly Predictive [ Mostly Describing the Future ] Its is not true entirely, because we do not interpret the Book of Revelation as entirely predictive or future. Why? Because the first three chapters of the book of Revelation are clearly identifying the life of both John and the seven churches of Asia Minor. Chapter 1 : Johns life and experience Chapters 2-3: The Churches of Revelation Chapters 4-5: Scenes in Heaven, Church is Raptured. Chapters 5-22:

13 Historical Futurist Preterist Allegorical Mostly Futurist Non-Literal
Christians –vs- Jews/Pagans Historical All of Church History Past Futurist Literal Interpretation

14 The Revelation Previewing Elements of the Book
What is the Book of Revelation?

15 Mostly Futurist Its is not true entirely, because we do not interpret the Book of Revelation as entirely predictive or future. Why? Because the first three chapters of the book of Revelation are clearly identifying the life of both John and the seven churches of Asia Minor. Chapter 1 : Johns life and experience Chapters 2-3: The Churches of Revelation Chapters 4-5: Scenes in Heaven, Church is Raptured. Chapters 5-22:

16 The Revelation Elements of the Book Theology
Theology: Revelation is a study of God, in His various components.

17 The Revelation Elements of the Book Pseudopigrapha Pseudopigaphas:
Apocalyptic writings outside of the scripture, These were falsified for readers to believe that they were written by characters of the Bible, actual authors often lived long after the period they were supposed to be representing. Author’s names is never given. They mostly give a negative view of the time they were written in, a favorable future for the culture, and a negative future view of the considered enemies. The Revelation of Christ to John is not in this category: Authorship is clear Date of writing is clear during the existence of congregations of the seven churches Universal: It is not a local or cultural Apocalypse.

18 The Revelation Elements of the Book Christology
Christology: It is the Study of Christ. THE LAMB is the central figure in the book of Revelation. Contrary to the Gospels, where Christ was the crucified lamb, being prepared for sacrifice, in Revelation, He is the victorious lamb; the conquering LION.

19 The Revelation Elements of the Book Angels
Angelology: It is the Study of the activities of Angels. Angelic beings in the book of revelation are generally, obedient messengers and workers for God’s purposes. The angels are never heavenly humans. They are not autonomous, but their activities are ONLY guided by the word, work, and desire of God.

20 The Revelation Elements of the Book Bibliology
Bibliology: Revelation describes, represents, and mirrors the activity and theology of the other 65 books of the Bible. It is a miniature volume of the entire Bible. Out of 404 verses about the END TIMES, there are 278 verses referring to the Old Testement

21 The Revelation Elements of the Book Symbols Symbols
The book of revelation contains more symbols than any other book of the New Testament. The wedding ring symbolizes the eternal nature of the marriage relationship. The ring is both real, and symbolic. Symbols in Revelation are both real and symbolic. The relationship between Christ and his church is symbolized by marriage, and the marriage supper. The Symbols of the Bible include: Nature: Sun, Moon, Trees, Grass, heavens, thunder, lightning, hail, rivers, sears Animals: Eagle, beasts, lion, lamb, leopard, bear Human symbols: mother and child, harlot, wife Weapons of war: sword, reapers with sickles Music: Trumpets, cimbles Biblical Background: Golden Lampstands, heavenly tabernacle, temple, 12 tribes Geography: Jerusalem, Babylon, Armageddon, Egypt People: Jezabel, Balaam

22 The Revelation Elements of the Book
Eschatological – End Times for all things Eschatology: It is the Study of the end of time. Revelation describes the end of time as we know it. It is the end of time, and the beginning of eternity. Does that mean there will be no more time? No 24 hour day?, no weeks, months, and years? There is the mention of the word “Day” in Revelation 21: 25, but only in reference to the Gates of the city standing open, symbolic, of the eternality of the era. “…its gates never shut, for there will be no night there.” So, even the time table that we now follow, 24 hour days, with work and activity mostly during the day time, and rest and inactivity during the night.

23 The Revelation Elements of the Book Numbers
Numerology: Very prominent in the book of Revelation is the use of numbers. 2, 3, 3 ½, 6, 7, 10, 12, 24, 42, “7” is used most, 54 times in Revelation. = 7 literal churches, but also symbolizes perfection, 7 heads of the Dragon, is another symbol. When the symbols are explained in the book of Revelation, they help to give light to the rest of the book. This is helpful in our interpretation of the book of Revelation. The rule, generally, is: Expressions are not explained, they can normally be interpreted according to their natural meaning, unless the context clearly indicates otherwise. Many of the difficult portions of Revelation are made clearer with patient study and comparison with other portions of Scripture. So, whenever possible, let scripture interpret scripture.

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