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Efficient Homes (NWESH)/Next Step Home

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1 Efficient Homes (NWESH)/Next Step Home
2015 Operations Plan This template is intended to be an outline for your plan. Some content may be n/a for your area and there may be some additional content that is relevant to your area that should be included. In particular, there may be some metrics charts or tables that summarize the story for market ops or emerging technologies. You may need more than one slide to address some of these topics but overall you should keep the slide count low and keep the information at an “outline” level. Efficient Homes (NWESH)/Next Step Home

2 Efficient Homes Overview – Current state
Launched Quality Oversight (QO) for Providers to ensure all requirements for NWESH are met. Performance Path became the sole method for certifying NWESH after Prescriptive Builder Option Packages (BOPs) expired on 7/1/2014. Identified Advanced Energy to take over NW HVAC oversight for NWESH and began transition planning. Re-engaged with the EPA to define the national oversight role and timeline for transition. This overview should set the stage for 2013 planning in your respective areas and provide a very high level summary of your key focus items for next year. Are there significant market changes occurring now or expected to occur? Is your spending increasing or decreasing and why?

3 Next Step Home Overview – Current state
Recruited 30 additional Pilot projects, ensuring regional, builders, and home spec diversity. Analyzed 12 months performance data from first 12 Pilot homes. Completed project reports that summarize; builder challenges and best practice, homeowner/builder interviews, cost and performance data. Held kick-off meeting with RTF to begin exploring an energy savings methodology based on performance ratings. This overview should set the stage for 2013 planning in your respective areas and provide a very high level summary of your key focus items for next year. Are there significant market changes occurring now or expected to occur? Is your spending increasing or decreasing and why?

4 2015 Key Focus Areas Northwest ENEGY STAR Homes Key Focus
Complete NWESH transition to market by 2016 Solidify new construction infrastructure that supports NWESH, NSH, and other green building programs. Risks and Dependencies National Oversight Timelines Alignment challenges Builders drop NWESH due to increased cost/complexity

5 2015 Key Focus Areas Next Step Home Key Focus
Continue to validate Next Step Home specification through Phase II Pilot Projects Establish an RTF approved performance rating based energy savings methodology Risks and Dependencies NSH specification fails to achieve estimated savings targets Performance rating analysis RTF scheduling and resources Performance rating outputs are unacceptable

6 2015 Near-term progress indicators
Next Step Home Complete 12 months data collection and analysis on 30+ projects to achieve savings estimates and establish best practice pathways (Phase II) Create research plan and technical workgroup to inform performance based energy savings approach Execute outreach plan to green building organizations for potential adoption of the NSH specification Northwest ENERGY STAR Homes Align the NW performance path homes with National oversight Identify and transition NWESH roles under EPA/RESNET/market partners Communication plan to market partners Develop NWESH spec for states that adopt 2012 IECC

7 2015 ILC milestones Northwest ENERGY STAR Homes Next Step Home
None in 2015 Transition Complete – Q1 2016 Next Step Home Scale-Up Approval – Q2 2016

8 Dependencies & Interactions – Efficient Homes
EPA Aligning specifications to leverage oversight, technical support and marketing Agreement on roles and responsibilities in a transition plan Coordination Strategy Monthly meetings to track process/change in market conditions RESNET Align NW certification/QA requirements ‘Legal’ NW HERS scores Continue participation on RESNET task force; quarterly check-in’s to monitor progress This is where you would discuss any internal or external dependencies, support or critical interactions that need to occur in order to accomplish your goals and objectives for 2013. For infrastructure support, consider needs for hiring support, training & professional development, software or hardware needs, reporting requirements, etc. You should also discuss your plan for how you intend to clarify expectations, generate shared objectives (if necessary) and coordinate activities to achieve cross-functional or cross-organizational success.

9 Dependencies & Interactions – Efficient Homes
RTF Timelines for new spec approvals Coordination Strategy Continued communication with RTF subcommittee on spec changes NWESH Participation Builders remain engaged through NWESH Provider/Rater/Verifier services are available throughout the region. Leverage NWESH market partners to introduce NSH Provide a level of market support including; technical assistance, training, market development, and marketing Communicate program changes/opportunities regularly in monthly news letters, webinars, and call downs This is where you would discuss any internal or external dependencies, support or critical interactions that need to occur in order to accomplish your goals and objectives for 2013. For infrastructure support, consider needs for hiring support, training & professional development, software or hardware needs, reporting requirements, etc. You should also discuss your plan for how you intend to clarify expectations, generate shared objectives (if necessary) and coordinate activities to achieve cross-functional or cross-organizational success.

10 Dependencies & Interactions – Next Step Home
RTF Acceptance toward a new performance based savings methodology Coordination Strategy Create a technical work group to inform and conduct research plan Utilities Informing implementation plan and offering incentives Provider/Rater/Verifier services are available throughout the region. Monthly Work Group meetings Utility visits This is where you would discuss any internal or external dependencies, support or critical interactions that need to occur in order to accomplish your goals and objectives for 2013. For infrastructure support, consider needs for hiring support, training & professional development, software or hardware needs, reporting requirements, etc. You should also discuss your plan for how you intend to clarify expectations, generate shared objectives (if necessary) and coordinate activities to achieve cross-functional or cross-organizational success.

11 Dependencies & Interactions – Next Step Home
Green Building Programs Adopting NSH specification Coordination Strategy Outreach plan to engage green building programs and work towards specification alignment Leveraging NEEA’s new construction infrastructure Identifying data needs Leveraging NWESH relationships with market partners Building training curriculums to deliver through market based organizations Strengthen existing relationships with NWESH partners Solidify new construction infrastructure to support NWESH and NSH This is where you would discuss any internal or external dependencies, support or critical interactions that need to occur in order to accomplish your goals and objectives for 2013. For infrastructure support, consider needs for hiring support, training & professional development, software or hardware needs, reporting requirements, etc. You should also discuss your plan for how you intend to clarify expectations, generate shared objectives (if necessary) and coordinate activities to achieve cross-functional or cross-organizational success.

12 Challenges, Major risks & Contingencies
Builders drop NWESH due to increased certification costs and requirements Response Plan: Increase builder flexibility in meeting spec Provide Verifiers/Raters assistance to establish cost effective best practice EPA does not provide technical support for NW specs NEEA continues minimal investment to provide technical support Work with Providers through QO process to identify common pain points for Verifiers/Raters; enable Providers to find resolutions This should include any areas where you have concerns about your ability to achieve any pieces of your plan: Are there concerns related to staffing stability, levels or skills? Are there elements beyond your control with regard to external forces? Are your timelines or schedules aggressive? Are there capacity or capability concerns re critical contractor resources? Are there concerns about ability to measure progress or results? Are there concerns about internal infrastructure, process or support that create risk? What actions are you planning to mitigate risks or provide for contingencies?

13 Challenges, Major risks & Contingencies
Next Step Pilot Homes do not produce expected savings Response Plan: Revise specifications and identify alternate efficiency measures Add additional Pilot homes with different mix of measures; continue energy monitoring to assess performance RTF will not accept performance based savings methodology NEEA prepares measure packages within the NSH spec for RTF savings approval ?? This should include any areas where you have concerns about your ability to achieve any pieces of your plan: Are there concerns related to staffing stability, levels or skills? Are there elements beyond your control with regard to external forces? Are your timelines or schedules aggressive? Are there capacity or capability concerns re critical contractor resources? Are there concerns about ability to measure progress or results? Are there concerns about internal infrastructure, process or support that create risk? What actions are you planning to mitigate risks or provide for contingencies?

14 Questions Thank you Neil Grigsby 503-688-5417
This should include any areas where you have concerns about your ability to achieve any pieces of your plan: Are there concerns related to staffing stability, levels or skills? Are there elements beyond your control with regard to external forces? Are your timelines or schedules aggressive? Are there capacity or capability concerns re critical contractor resources? Are there concerns about ability to measure progress or results? Are there concerns about internal infrastructure, process or support that create risk? What actions are you planning to mitigate risks or provide for contingencies?

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