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Alliance Redwoods Outdoor Education

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1 Alliance Redwoods Outdoor Education
April 4 – 7, 2017

2 Packet: has your child’s name on it
Packet should include: general information: includes a “sample” schedule & list of what to pack Map of Alliance Redwoods LUSD Request for the Administration of Medication- informational form (white) LUSD School Medication Form(pink) MUST be signed by HEALTH CARE PROVIDER LUSD Student Specialized Information Form (blue) Alliance Redwoods Outdoor Education Medical Form and Medical Waiver & Release of Liability- back of form must be signed (green) Alliance Medicine Check-in: must accompany prescription medications & be placed in a zip-lock baggie (salmon colored) LUSD Permission slip: please include emergency phone numbers

3 Parent Counselors Applications are on the table in the hallway.
Due on Friday, January 6 Live Scan must be cleared by January 6 1 parent for every 7 campers: 37 boys so we need 5 or 6 dads 23 girls so we need 3 or 4 moms

4 Costs Optional costs: $325- includes bus &
Loomis Grammar School sweatshirt Optional costs: Alliance t-shirt/sweatshirt Camp group picture Quarters for foozeball & ping-pong… …Or, bring your own! Gift shop

5 What to take 4 1-gallon zip-lock bags (with name on 2 of them)
mark all clothing with name waterproof shoes… in case of rain Poncho or rain jacket (hopefully we won’t need them!!) bring clothes that can be layered all toiletries bath towel/wash cloth sleeping bag and pillow w/name and “yellow” (please put these in a garbage bag for cleanliness) small day or backpack water bottle Camera- optional

6 What NOT to take Food

7 Medication Put prescription meds in zip-lock baggie with child’s name and (salmon colored) Alliance Med form. We will hand this off to the resident medic at Alliance. LUSD medication form (pink): must be signed by prescribing doctor! Exception- inhalers! Keep in day pack at all times! OTC- medic is present 24 hours a day to give Tylenol, etc. as needed

8 On the way… small day or backpack water bottle
snack/lunch for trip there Electronic devices- must be turned in to teacher upon arrival; trade with student when they turn in their Science Journal Phones must be in “airplane mode” during drive; Students will not be able to use as a camera once we get off the bus Baggie with name for electronic device storage Baggie in case of motion sickness

9 You’ll miss your camper!
Snail mail for mail call Address is on front page of packet- include school AND teacher’s name Give teacher letters, parcels, and we will deliver

10 Important Dates December 13th- Parent meeting
January 6th- Parent counselor applications due February 24th – student paperwork turned in February 27th- Parent counselor meeting; 6pm at Penryn School March 1st- Science camp money is due April 3rd- Luggage needs to be dropped off at Placer Elementary (Horseshoe Bar Road) April 4th- 7:30 am Loomis campers need to be at school so we can leave by 8:00 April 7th- campers return to Loomis Grammar; luggage will be dropped off at Placer Elementary

11 If you missed any information, I will put this PowerPoint on my webpage.
All forms are available on my webpage: and on Mrs. Call’s webpage:

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