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Chapter 3.2 Business Growth and Expansion

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1 Chapter 3.2 Business Growth and Expansion

2 Growth Through Reinvestment
Income statement- sales, expenses, and profits

3 Growth Through Reinvestment
Total sales – expenses = Net income Net (like a fisherman)- if it is in your net it is what you keep. Cash flow- sum of net income + non-cash charges (depreciation). This is the total amount of new funds to the business. After looking at the books, profits will be reinvested to people or equipment.

4 Growth through Mergers
Loss of identity with mergers Reasons for mergers For faster growth Eliminate a rival Become more efficient Change its image Acquire new product line

5 Types of Mergers Horizontal- same companies
Vertical- different steps in the manufacturing process.

6 Conglomerates and Multinationals
Conglomerate- 4 or more different businesses, each making different products. Diversification Multinationals- Offices in many countries

7 Other Organizations Section 3

8 Community and Civic Organizations
Nonprofit- Church, School, Hospital, Welfare, etc. All profits go back into business or community. Leaders are paid salaries.

9 Community and Civic Organizations
Cooperatives- Works for its members Credit Union, Insurance, Teacher Unions Consumer cooperatives- Buy in bulk Service Cooperatives- provides services such as insurance or banking Producer cooperative- Promotes their products, such as food.

10 Labor Unions Workers formed to represent its members’ interests in various employment matters. Collective bargaining- employment conditions are negotiated on behalf of all workers AFL-CIO, American Federation of Teachers

11 Professional Associations
Work like Labor unions, without the collective bargaining. AMA, The Bar Association Handle liscensing Police their members

12 Business Association Chamber of Commerce- Helps member business in community. Lobbying for favorable business decisions. Promotes local business BBB-Better Business Bureau

13 Government Direct- Government provides a good or service that conflicts with private industry TVA-Tenn Valley Authority FDIC USPS Police, fire, school, roads, courts, libraries, parks

14 Government cont Indirect- acts as umpire Public utilities
Cable Television Ma Bell-telephone service Social Security, veterans benefits, student loans, unemployment compensation.

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