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Converging Research Chapter 11 Background Information:

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1 Converging Research Chapter 11 Background Information:
School readiness, MTSS, PBIS, RtI, and dropout prevention research outcomes are all aligning with consistent themes emphasizing the importance of prevention and early intervention as early as pre-kindergarten, with evidence-based practices, and with a sharp focus on school-based protective factors The protective factors include school engagement, attendance, pro-social behaviors, and academic achievement in literacy and math Drop out is a complex problem that will require a comprehensive response – Positive School Climate/SWPBIS is a key component of the comprehensive response Considerations: What’s the big idea of this slide and how does it fit with the big ideas on the other slides? How do I present this slide without reading the slide/notes? Is there a story or analogy I can use to convey the big idea?

2 The Power of Prevention
Chapter 11 The Power of Prevention Background Information: Research has consistently demonstrated that early academic failure and behavior problems being correlated with anti-social behavior and other problems later in life Well-designed and consistently implemented efforts that focus on providing academic and behavior supports as well as maximizing student engagement can help to prevent academic and behavioral problems Without adequate supports, academic failure and behavior problems, the downward spiral of academic failure and disengagement becomes more resistant to change Considerations: What’s the big idea of this slide and how does it fit with the big ideas on the other slides? How do I present this slide without reading the slide/notes? Is there a story or analogy I can use to convey the big idea?

3 Benefit of Positive School Climate
Chapter 11 Benefit of Positive School Climate High quality classroom instruction, PBIS, and positive interactions with teachers and student Active participation in school activities, development of academic and social skills Teacher praise and encouragement, positive attitude toward school, self-confidence, motivation Student engagement Background Information: The positive spiral of engagement encompasses the benefits of implementing the components of Positive School Climate/SWPBIS and Evidence-Based Classroom Management This positive spiral fosters increased and lasting engagement and success in school Considerations: What’s the big idea of this slide and how does it fit with the big ideas on the other slides? How do I present this slide without reading the slide/notes? Is there a story or analogy I can use to convey the big idea?

4 Student Achievement School Experiences On-time Graduation Chapter 11
Background Information: Improved school experience, increased student achievement, and increased on-time graduation have the promise for direct and substantial benefits at many levels, including student, family, school, community, state, and national levels In order to reach these improvements and increased outcomes, we need a system-wide, pre-kindergarten through 12th-grade continuum of supports, data sharing, and problem solving for all students Implementation of Positive School Climate/PBIS and Evidence-Based Classroom Management will help move the dial on these outcomes Considerations: What’s the big idea of this slide and how does it fit with the big ideas on the other slides? How do I present this slide without reading the slide/notes? Is there a story or analogy I can use to convey the big idea?

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