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What would you like to drink?

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1 What would you like to drink?
Unit3 Topic3 What would you like to drink? Section B

2 Group work 假设某同学邀请几个同学去家中吃饭。以自备的有关食物的图片或幻灯片上展示的食物为谈话内容,几人一组进行表演。

3 Key words Help yourself, would like, yes, please/no, thank you, what about, …please, …for me, want, like…

4 A: What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/supper?
Pair Work A: What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/supper? B: I usually have… Name Item Breakfast Lunch Supper Food Drink

5 morning 12 6 have breakfast

6 12 noon 6 have lunch

7 12 evening 6 have dinner

8 I usually have milk and bread for breakfast.
have … for breakfast/lunch/dinner 早饭/午饭/晚饭吃/喝……

9 A: What do you often have in the morning
/evening/at noon? B: I often have milk/jiaozi/chicken for breakfast/dinner/ lunch.

10 1a Look, listen and say

11 Match after 1a. Breakfast Lunch Dinner

12 Read 1a and fill in the blanks.
milk Michael has ______ and _______ for breakfast. He usually has ________ with __________ and some ______ for lunch. He has _______ for supper. bread chicken vegetables rice jiaozi

13 Pair Work A: May I take your order, sir? B: Yes, I'd like some ...,
please. A: Would you like something to drink? B: A glass of ..., please. A: OK. Wait a moment,

14 Make a survey. Name Item Breakfast Lunch Dinner Food Drink
A:What do you usually have for breakfast/lunch/dinner? B: I usually have ... Name Item Breakfast Lunch Dinner Food Drink

15 Report. You may begin like this: This is my friend, Li Hua . He usually has … for breakfast. And …

16 What would Mr. Brown like?
A: May I take your order, sir? B: ______ with vegetable and _____, please. A: Would you like something to drink? B: Yes. A glass of _________, please. A: OK. Thank you. Fish rice apple juice

17 May I take your order, sir?
(1) take one’s order意为“记下某人点的菜”。如:The waiter comes over to take my order. (2) sir 意为“先生,阁下”,是对不相识的男士、男上司、男性长辈或从事某一职务的男士的尊称,一般不与姓连用。如对方是女性,则用madam。

18 Complete the conversation and then act it out.
Would you like some vegetables? B. OK. Something to drink? C. May I take your order? D. Oh ... All right. E. What do you usually have for lunch? Rabbit: Monkey: C _______________________ Let me see. Mm ... No, thanks. Bananas. Well, I’d like seven bananas A E

19 Rabbit:______________________ Monkey : Banana juice, please.
Would you like some vegetables? B. OK. Something to drink? C. May I take your order? D. Oh ... All right. E. What do you usually have for lunch? Rabbit:______________________ Monkey : Banana juice, please. Rabbit:_______________________ B D

20 Make a survey after class and report it in next class.
谁的食谱最健康? Name Breakfast Lunch Supper Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4 Student 5 Student 6

21 Sum up Go on learning countable nouns and uncountable nouns.
Useful expressions: What do you usually have for breakfast? May I take your order? Would you like something to drink?

22 Homework 1. Review the lesson. 2. Write the report, and report it in class next day.

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