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Gliwice, Poland May of st Century European Classrooms

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1 Gliwice, Poland May of 2016 21st Century European Classrooms
Interactive pedagogy Process of Meaningful learning or of monologues using digital language? Paulo Moreira – Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation Gliwice, Poland May of 2016

2 interactive pedagogy Interactive refers to, at least, a 2 ways dynamics In these dynamics, each one of the involved “ways” are simultaneously: a starting/informating/reference And an ending point; Wich becomes a new starting but of a already qualitatively different process.

3 Each one inform the other on the mutual shaping of their characteristics; That is why, interactive processes are well described as dynamics where the interveeners or agents involved (more or less actively) are “feeding” the others with informative elements;

4 Therefore, the feed-back is one of the main features of interactive processes. “Interactive pedagogy”, in turn, refers to the process where the interactions, and “feeding back movements” are put at the servive of the teacher/learning process or pedagogy;

5 An effective interactive pedagogy requires, then, that one in able of taking into account the available information in the modulation of his or hers actions. Without this, the potential of an action for pedagogic purposes can be seriously jeopardized;

6 So, knowing about individuals and contexts’ characteristics – not being a sufficient condition – is certainly, a needed condition for interactive pedagogy.

7 So, we do benefit from knowing about our students and schools characteristics (including internal and external resources, needs and oportunities). In line with our previous contributions, the objective of this presentation is to present some results obtained by the Students Questionnaire. In this way, we will more able of developping effective interactive pedagogical practices.

8 Participants Students 557 students from Bulgaria (n=335), Italy (n=39), Poland (n=75), Portugal (n=69) and Spain (n=39) filled in the questionnaire. Schools selected by convenience, not representative;

9 Participants

10 Instruments “Teachers’ Questionnaire on the use of Information and Communication Technologies” (Agrupamento de Escolas de Atouguia da Baleia, 2014). “Student Questionnaire on the use of Information and Communication Technologies” (Agrupamento de Escolas de Atouguia da Baleia, 2014). These questionnaires were administrated at the beginning of this project.

11 Data analysis Descriptive statistics, and analyses of variance ANOVA were performed. All analyses were performed using SPSS, version 22.

12 Results Several procedures and computations were performed in these analyses. In order to facilitate the understanding of the results, we will present only their graphic presentation. The analysis and results will be available, with their graphic representation presented in in following.


















30 Discussion The questionnaires (both teachers and students versions) do not have a specific section devoted to interactive pedagogy; Although, it does have several items which capture important information for interactive pedagogy.

31 Discussion Internet and digital tools are important components of our daily educational practices; So, they are an element to considere in the process of promoting effective learning… … to inform the pedagogic process about the agents’ characteristics; … and to promote pro-learning meaningful dynamics.

32 But using digital and internet tools do not automatically lead to better teacher/learning processes; So, we need to be aware of good and misuses of digital and internet tools;

33 The objective of this presentation was not to elaborate on the compexity of uses and misuses of internet and digital tools, … also, it would require an approach and data differents from those that were object of this presentation.

34 However, we need to reflect about if we are using internet and digital tools To promote learning based on relational and interactions and dialogues; or To perform impressive and technologic behaviors (is true) but which are only monologues where the thecnology is the main language…

35 The gravity metaphor: Gravity and their mechanisms may be evident know, and considered as a basic issue. But it only contributed to meaningful advances on human experiences, when Man was able to accurately describe its components, processes and aplications.

36 The gravity metaphor: The inspiration of the apple to the gravity theory: It is evident that apples fall from the tree. It is evident that ICT produce some effects, and that these are complex. Evidences calls for ICT-interactive pedagogies… But where are we?

37 The gravity metaphor: Are we seeing apples falling from the trees… Or Are we implementing real interactive pedagogy?

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