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The substances from conifer green needles for external use

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1 The substances from conifer green needles for external use
«Solagift» Ltd. (a resident of the Special Economic Zone, Tomsk)

2 Core biologically active substances
Characteristics and properties of products from conifer green foliage for external use Core biologically active substances Substance, composition Properties Dosage % Polyprenol concentrate (75–85%) An oily liquid without impurity inclusion. Light yellow to red-orange colour. It has a specific taste and odor. Anti-inflammatory and antiviral activity Wound healing effect , significantly accelerating regeneration of damaged tissues. Antioxidant action and strengthening of capillaries Stimulation of metabolic processes in the skin. Polyprenols have a marked antioxidant effect, preventing the action of free radicals, which are accumulated in the area of inflammation. The action of polyprenols is aimed at inhibition of inflammation development due to blocking of oxidative reactions. Local immunity gets improved as a result of the regular usage of polyprenol-based products, polyprenols also provide a significant acceleration of regeneration processes in damaged tissues. As polyprenols are involved in the process of membrane stabilization, restoration of cells and optimization of their functions, such as generation of glycoprotein and improving energy function, they can be used for production of new generation wound healing products. Polyprenols are effective in minor doses. The substance is a biologically active component , which can be used for cosmetic and pharmaceutical creams and ointments accelerating wound and burn healing, improving the effectiveness of complex treatment of chronic diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis), characterized by such symptoms as desquamation, infiltration, erythema, itching. Polyprenols can be an active ingredient of premium class cosmetic products for face and body care. 0,1-0,5%

3 Characteristics and properties of products from conifer green foliage
for external use Substance, composition Properties Dosage % CGNC (conifer green needle complex) It is a product containing biologically active substances extracted from the conifer green foliage. By its physical characteristics the complex is a thick homogeneous pasty mass of dark green colour with a specific fir aroma. The complex contains chlorophyll and its derivatives, beta-carotene and other carotenoids, vitamin E and K, sterols, waxy and volatile substances, macro- and microelements, salts of fatty and resin acids. Deodorizing effect Antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral action Anti-inflammatory and wound healing action Antioxidant action Softening of the skin, reducing irritation, removing redness and desquamation facilitating of wound and aphtha healing relieving pain and gingival hemorrhage strengthening of the gum tissues Effective prevention of caries It is a biologically active substance for production of toothpastes for dental and gum care providing a complex care for the mouth cavity, for other cosmetic products (soap, lotions, fir aroma for bath, face and body creams, shaving creams). The product is a biologically active component for medicated and preventive creams and ointments enhancing healing of wounds and burns, and increasing effectiveness of complex treatment of chronic skin diseases. 1,5-5%

4 Characteristics and properties of products from conifer green foliage
for external use Substance, composition Properties Dosage % Provitamin coniferous complex (VNRSC) A thick oily product of bright orange to dark red color with light coniferous odor. The provitamin complex contains polyprenols (no less 25%), silbiol, phytostyrols , hydrocarbon terpenes, waxes, vitamin E, carotenoids. Antibacterial and anti-fungal action Wound healing properties, significantly accelerating regeneration of damaged tissues Antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory actions as well as strengthening of capillaries. Reduces desquamation, infiltration, itching in chronic skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis) Relieves pain and gingival hemorrhage Increases resistance of gums to infections and inflammation Reduces sensitivity of the dental enamel Due to alkaline reaction it neutralizes acid reaction in the mouth, preventing the enamel damage. deodorizing action Polyprenols contained in the complex have a strong antioxidant action, preventing the action of free radicals. The action of polyprenols is also aimed at inhibition of inflammation processes by blocking oxidative reactions. They provide regeneration of the skin. As polyprenols are involved in the process of membrane stabilization, restoration of cells and optimization of their functions, such as generation of glycoprotein and improving energy function, they can be used for making products with a marked medicated and preventive properties. The product is recommended as an active component in complex medicated and preventive toothpastes for sensitive teeth and also inflammations in the mouth, including periodontitis; as an active component in premium class cosmetic products for face , hair and body care. It is a biologically active component for creams and ointments, accelerating healing of wounds and burns and increasing the effectiveness of complex treatment of the skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis), characterized by desquamation, infiltration, and itching. 2-3%

5 Characteristics and properties of products from conifer green foliage
for external use Substance, composition Properties Dosage % Oil-ethereal complex of Siberian silver fir It is a 100% natural pure product consisting of essential oil (about 50%), vitamin E, carotene, a complex of organic acids, maltol, higher fatty acids, sterols, camphor, macro- and microelements Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties Antibacterial and antifungal action Anaesthetic action Regeneration and accelerating of epithelization reduces desquamation and itching of the skin, appearance of skin rash in psoriasis and dermatitis Stimulates the immune system, increasing the resistance of mucous membranes to infection and inflammation. reduces inflammation, swelling, pain and gingival hemorrhage, prevents periodontitis. deodorizing effect helps reduce pain in the joints and spine reduces edema, improves joint movement, stimulates blood circulation in the limbs. Effective in hematomas, dislocations, tendon and ligament injuries The oil-ethereal complex of Siberian silver fir can substitute widely spread but unsafe triclosan. The natural origin of the product and no side effects make it possible to create products for everyday and long-term use. The complex rich with maltol is sterile thus allowing to significantly reduce the proportion of conservatives and stabilizers. The product is biologically active raw material for production of natural cosmetics: medicated and prophylactic toothpastes, skin, body and hair care, creams and ointments, accelerating wound and burn healing, improving the effectiveness of complex treatment of chronic skin diseases (dermatitis, psoriasis). 0,5-2%

6 Substances for enhancing properties
Характеристика и свойства продуктов из хвойной зелени для наружного применения Substances for enhancing properties Substance, composition Properties Dosage % Balsamic paste It contains lipo-soluble and water-soluble vitamins. The liposoluble are represented by provitamin A, vitamin E and K. The water-soluble are represented by volatiles (vitamin P), vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9, Balsamic paste possesses: Deodorizing properties, bactericidal, wound healing properties It is a broad spectrum poly-vitamin product. Usage: It can be used as a supplementary agent in treating burns, sluggish wounds and chronic ulcers. It is intended for use as a biologically active component in cosmetic products, having a bactericidal action, and also for use as a bioactive emulsifier (soap, shampoos, gels) in perfumery and cosmetic products. The natural coniferous compound may be recommended as an active component for complex hygienic or medicated and prophylactic toothpastes with a strong natural antibacterial and deodorizing effect. from 1 to 3%

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