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Joseph McCarthy The hunt for “Reds”.

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1 Joseph McCarthy The hunt for “Reds”

2 Foreign Affairs North Korea Iraq Afghanistan Iran

3 The U.S. in the late 40’s Life Magazine article stated the following
USSR army 2.6 million men vs. US 640K 30 Russian armored divisions vs. US 1 USSR produces 7k planes/year. US 1,200 US spends 6%/budget on defense vs. USSR 25% Life asks, “War Can Come, Will We Be Ready?”

4 Joe McCarthy Elected to the senate in 1946 as a Republican
Strikes a chord by announcing in a speech in W. VA, hence West VA Speech, in February 1950, that he has list of “205 Communists” who infiltrated the State Department Makes same claim later, except numbers were cut to 57, and they were “card carrying” communists. Chairman of Committee on Government Operations Formed Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations to launch investigations designed to document charges of Communists in government

5 As time goes by… McCarthy generates storm of controversy
Republicans and Democrats fear McCarthy’s tone Americans think he might be wrong, but what if…. Senate Democrats call for an investigation into Mc’s accusations Only gives more limelight to Joe Six weeks since his West VA Speech, never produced a single name

6 Communist Party of America
50% of Americans sided with McCarthy Communism is security threat to U.S. Dept. of Justice begins indicting and convicting party leaders under the Smith Act Law prohibits teaching and advocating subversive doctrines

7 Truman counters March 1947, Truman institutes “Federal Loyalty Program.” Employees could be dismissed for simply being “disloyal.” No appeals. No defense. Truman tried to keep Republican pressure off of him by instituting this program Later would regret this course of action

8 Congress House of Un-American Activities Committee (HUAC) created in 1938 Investigate un-American propaganda activities in the U.S. Nail people to the wall who advocate un-American viewpoints Aid congress in any investigation regarding anti-American sentiment

9 Specific Examples Alger Hiss is declared disloyal before the HUAC Com. And is dismissed from State. Dept. in 1949 Imprisoned for perjury to Congress “Hollywood 10” refused to testify before Congress on charges of communism in 1948 Cited for contempt, jailed for a year. Oh, and fired too. Blacklisted Thousands more became Blacklisted.

10 College 1949: U of Cal required all profs to sign a loyalty anti-com oath. 31 profs, and scores of TA’s and students given the boot for not signing. People became afraid to talk about liberal issues like civil rights and freedom of speech and expression.

11 The Rosenbergs U.S. claims they were responsible for giving Russians key info on making the “bomb.” Julius and Ethel were convicted of espionage (spying) and executed in Oops. Executed for espionage in 1953

12 The fall of McCarthy By 1952, Reps are in the White House (Ike)
McCarthy still holding televised hearings until 1954. Edward R. Murrow television program “See It Now” focuses on McCarthy and his statements McCarthy says there are Communists in the Army. This is the last straw. Disproved : U.S. Senate censures McCarthy (he is banned from talking publicly)

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