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International Business: Introduction

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1 International Business: Introduction
Modes of International Business International Trade Merchandise or service Investments Direct or Indirect (portfolio investments) Why do Companies Go International?

2 International Trade Why does trade occur and how can trade benefit both parties to an exchange?

3 Theories of International Trade
1500 1600 1700 1800 1900 2000 Year Mercantilism Absolute Advantage Comparative Advantage Factor Proportions Theory International Product Life Cycle New Trade Theory National Competitive Advantage

4 Qs: Problems with this theory?
Mercantilism Holding that nations should accumulate financial wealth, usually in the form of gold, by encouraging exports and discouraging imports. Trade Surplus Intervention Colonization Qs: Problems with this theory?

5 Qs: 1) Why advantage? 2) Problem?
Absolute Advantage 1 Ton Tea Gain from Trade Riceland Tealand RICE TEA 1 6 5 3 4/5 1/3 Ton Rice Gain from Trade 1/6 Making Rice Making Tea 1/5 1/6 Riceland Tealand Qs: 1) Why advantage? 2) Problem?

6 Comparative Advantage
1 Ton Tea Gain from Trade Riceland Tealand RICE TEA 1 6 2 3 1/2 1/3 Ton Rice Making Rice Gain from Trade 1/6 1/2 Making Tea 1/6 Riceland Tealand Qs: Problem?

7 Factor Proportions (Heckscher-Ohlin Theory)
Holding that countries produce and export goods that require resources (factors) that are abundant and import goods that require resources in short supply. Labor, Land, and Capital Equipment The Leontief Paradox

8 International Product Life Cycle
Standardized Product Stage New Product Stage Maturing Product Stage

9 International Trade and Production in the Product Cycle

10 International Trade and Production in the Product Cycle (cont’)

11 International Trade and Production in the Product Cycle (cont’)

12 New Trade Theory Specialization and Economies of Scale Barriers to
First-Mover Advantage Barriers to Entry Government Intervention

13 National Competitive Advantage
Strategy, Structure, and Rivalry Factor Conditions Demand Conditions The Porter Diamond Related and Supporting Industries

14 Trade Dependence and Independence
Developing and Transition Nations Dangers of Trade Dependency Benjamin Franklin “No nation was ever ruined by trade”.

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