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Hello Bonjour General Introduction and objective of the meeting

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1 Hello Bonjour General Introduction and objective of the meeting
RA II Expert Group on WIGOS Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates 31 October – 1 November 2016 General Introduction and objective of the meeting Hello Bonjour Ryuji YAMADA Programme Manager Regional Office for Asia and the South-West Pacific

2 WMO Regional Association

3 RA II Subsidiary body

4 RA II Management Group Membership Meets at least once every year.
Mr Abdulla Mohamed A.AL-MANNAI/ Qatar (President) Dr Ghulam RASUL/ Pakistan (Vice president) Dr ZHENG Guoguang / China Dr Laxman Singh RATHORE / India Dr Toshihiko HASHIDA / Japan Dr KO Yunhwa / Rep. of Korea Dr Ayman Gulam / Saudi Arabia Dr Sung KIM / Rep. of Korea (Hydrological Advisor) Meets at least once every year.

5 RA II EG-WIGOS Terms of References (1)
(i) To coordinate planning and implementation of WIGOS in the Region, in accordance with the Regional WIGOS Implementation Plan, taking into account needs and priorities specified by the RA II Strategic Operating Plan; (ii) To coordinate the development and implementation on the national WIGOS Implementation Plans; (iii) To monitor the progress made in the implementation and operation of WIGOS component observing systems in the Region; advise on possible improvements and priorities for appropriate actions and the need for external support, where required, according to the technical guidance of the technical commissions as represented in the EGOS-IP and other observation system implementation plans in order to evolve and implement observing systems in the Region; (iv) To assess and continuously monitor regional observational requirements, identify regional gaps and identify capacity development projects within the Region to address those gaps; (v) To support an effective implementation of the EGOS-IP in the Region;

6 RA II EG-WIGOS Terms of References (2)
(vi) To keep abreast of new developments in WMO observing systems and cosponsored systems and to make recommendations for their implementation in the Region; (vii) To keep under review regional practices and guidelines relevant to observing networks and instruments and methods of observation, and to foster an efficient collaborative network of Regional Instrument Centres in the Region; (viii) To coordinate relevant activities with the regional groupings involved in observations to ensure consistency of approach and integration in respect of observing networks, procedures and monitoring; (ix) To act as lead for the Regional Association, working with Members, to maintain regulatory material related to regional aspects of WIGOS and WIS; (x) To advise the president of the Association and the chair of the Working Group on the proposed composition and changes to the Regional Basic Synoptic Network and Regional Basic Climatological Network;

7 RA II EG-WIGOS membership
Name  Country Co-Coordinators Mr Yongqing Chen China Dr Jaegwang Won Republic of Korea Theme Leader in Implementation and Updating of R-WIP Mr Yoshiro Tanaka Japan Theme Leader in Implementation of EGOS-IP Mr Yatian Guo Theme Leader in Standard and Best Practice Dr Seongchan Park Theme Leader in Observational Requirements and Regional Network Mr D. K. Malik India Mr Abdulqaleq Ali Ali Iraq Theme Leader in Data Availability and Quality of Observations Mr Yoshihisa Kimata Theme Leader in Surface-based Remote Sensing for Disaster Risk Reduction Mr Feng Li Dr Oleg Pokrovsky Russian Federation Theme Leader in Satellite Data, Products and Training Mr Tomoo Ohno Dr Dohyeong Kim

8 RA II EG-WIGOS meeting What to be done?
To review the status of the projects listed in the RA-II WIGOS Implementation Plan; To consider the projects proposed by the Jakarta declaration (Joint RA II/V WIGOS Workshop on DRR, October 2015); To discuss possible ways to implement (at the sub-regional level if preferred) Regional WIGOS Centers in Region II; To prepare the WIGOS inputs to the RA II-16 in February 2017:

9 RA II EG-WIGOS meeting Work Plan
Monday, 31 October Opening Reporting/Projects Assessment Status of RA II WIGOS Projects Jakarta Declaration WIGOS Pre-operational Phase ( ) - OSCAR/Surface - Regional Basic Observing Network - WIGOS Data Quality Monitoring System

10 RA II EG-WIGOS meeting Work Plan
Tuesday, 1 November The way forward Regional WIGOS Center in RA II Review/Update of Regional Implementation Plan in RA II RBSN/RBCN updates Protection of Radio frequencies in RA II Conclusions and Recommendations Conclusions to be submitted to RA II-16, Feb 2017 Recommendations to the WIGOS Workshop for West Asia

11 Timeline toward the RA II-16
<2016> Oct-Nov: RA II EG-WIGOS Meeting 25 Nov: Submission of progress report of RA II Working Group 7-8 Dec: Preparatory RA II Management Group meeting (Abu Dhabi, UAE) Dec: Letter asking for nomination of experts serving on RA II subsidiary body for the next inter-sessional period (2017–2020) to be sent <2017> 10-11 Feb: Regional Conference (Abu Dhabi, UAE) 12-16 Feb: RA II-16 (Abu Dhabi, UAE)

12 Contact:
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