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Status of NUFU Project: “Governance

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1 Status of NUFU Project: “Governance
Matters: Assessing, Diagnosing, and Addressing Challenges of Governance in Nepal” Presented at A Seminar organized by The Norwegian Centre for International Cooperation in Higher Education (SIU) on “Asian-Norwegian partnerships in academic capacity building at a crossroads - achievements, experiences and the way ahead” Presented by Ishtiaq Jamil (AORG, University of Bergen, Norway) Tek Nath Dhakal (CDPA, Tribhuvan University, Nepal) Dhaka, Bangladesh September , 2011

2 Objective: To improve the capacity for teaching and research on governance by bringing students, faculty, and the academics/scholars in the frontiers of research process Major areas of activities Research Publication/Dissemination Institutional development Major achievements during 2007 – 2001 Ph.D. students completed their studies and are in final evaluation 2 Ph.D. students are in the process of their study 2 surveys completed on “Citizen’s Trust on Public and Political Institutions in Nepal”, and “Status of the Implementation of Citizen’s Charter in Municipalities”

3 Major achievements contd…..
A number of mini-research/case studies on IT application, Disaster management, NGO management were conducted 10 MPPG Masters thesis supervised Opportunities created for the involvement of faculties and students for collecting data, and preparing for research reports Publication and Dissemination Publishing journal (NJPG) Publication of article in journals & in edited volume Publication of conference proceedings

4 Major achievements contd…..
Publication of survey reports Publication of Papers in PDF Publication of new book in process Publication of Ph.D. Thesis in process

5 Major achievements contd…..
Organization of International Conference in Kathmandu/Nepal in 2008 and in 2011 Faculties encouraged to participate (inter)national conferences Organized dissemination of survey reports

6 Institutional output Installation of web page of PAC/CDPA ( Unlimited access of ONLINE facilities to faculties, students, and the staffs Equipments support to CDPA for its capacity building 2 Ph.D./M-Phil students got permanent position of Lecturer at CDPA Programs such as Ph.D. program & M-Phil in Public Administration has been introduced Network building at national & international level with EROPA, IPSA, ISTR, NAPSIPAG, PAAN Capacity enhanced for organizing national and international conferences Enhanced institutional relations such as with Bergen University, North south University, Peradeniya University, University of Tampere, NUFU/NOMA, etc.

7 NUFU Project’s Major contribution
At individual level: Individual capacity building of students, teachers, employees of the CDPA getting opportunity, skill development, etc. At institutional level: Institutional development of CDPA for equipping the institution, human resource development, introduction of new academic program on governance, able to publish international standard journal, capacity to organize international conference, development of linkages and networks. At societal level: Contribution to societal level by initiating discussion on the demand of clean, transparent, and effective governance system, and creating human resources platform for governance discourse. At International level: Enhanced research collaboration with the institutes of the North and initiated South-South relations including involved in network building with NAPSIPAG, IPSA, ISTR, EROPA, etc.

8 Conclusion This project has been selective and limited to certain issues of governance though the issues are many to address. Issues related to sustainability, credit transfer, demand for the inclusion of more faculties in the project, are also the crucial issues. However, contributions have been made in disseminating research findings and initiating debates and concerns on governance issues. Given the experiences so far, it can be said that the project is able enhance research capacity and competence both at DAO and CDPA. (New)Nepal requires new forms of administration and public policies to consolidate and institutionalize democracy and good governance. NUFU/NOMA Project at CDPA has greater potentiality to contribute to these issues. In order to make positive and meaningful contribution, continuation of the project is crucial.

9 for your kind attention
T H A N K Y O U for your kind attention

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