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Legislation Committee

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1 Legislation Committee
Melvin Jenkins, Esq., & Sandra Nelson, Co-chairs

2 Introduction To: Bishop Clement W. Fugh, Presiding Prelate of the Fifth Episcopal District; Mrs. Alexia B. Fugh, Episcopal Supervisor; Dr. Willie Glover, Connectional Lay President; Connectional Officers; Mr. Simeon Rhoden, President, Fifth Episcopal District Lay Organization; Fifth District Lay Officers; Presiding Elders; Pastors; Clergy; Delegates; Visitors and Friends 2016 was the year of the AME church’s 50th session of our General Conference. Our committee will report on the following work completed: 1) the proposed legislation received by the district for consideration, 2) the approved legislation submitted by the district to the Connectional Proposed Legislation committee, 3) the bills presented by the Connectional Lay Organization to the General Conference, 4) the CLO bills approved by the General Conference Revisions Committee to be brought to the floor of the General Conference, and 5) the CLO bills adopted by the General Conference. The co-chairs of this committee represented the 5th District Lay Organization in the following areas: Sandra Nelson served on the CLO Proposed Legislation committee, participating in monthly conference calls and assisting in committee presentations at the CLO Executive Board meetings, Melvin Jenkins served on the General Conference Revisions committee and was chair of a subcommittee. His focus was to help move the CLO bills from the committee to the floor of the General Conference. Of the 19 bills submitted by the CLO, 11 were brought to the floor, 6 were discussed and voted on, and 2 (one submitted by our district) were approved by the General Conference.

3 Committee Assignment/Activities Recommendations
The committee considered the following legislation: 1) Board of Stewards 2) Eliminate the Ecumenical Office of Bishop 3) Filling Vacant Bishop Office due to death 4) Growing the Local Church Lay Organization 5) Merger of Annuity & Investments under Treasurer 6) Ministerial Training Board 7) Qualifications of Chief Financial Officer 8) Reduction of Travel Expenses for retired bishops & general officers 9) Transparency of Connectional Budget 10) Consolidation of General Officer Departments The committee would like to make the following recommendations: 5th District Lay Organization request that Bishop convene a Legislative Task Force for this quadriennial to evaluate and make recommendations to the General Conference delegation on the proposed legislation so that may vote as informed block. A budget line be established for the chair(s) to attend connectional Executive Board meeting when the Proposed Legislation committee is presenting bills for discussion and consideration. Hold training sessions regarding the work of the Revisions Committee. These would provide some insight as to the workings of this Committee in the legislative process. Pertinent Issues Discussed, Findings, Conclusion, Etc. Milestone/Implementation Dates Committee will review submitted bills not approved by convention delegates but referred for more research by the end of 2017. CLO Proposed Legislation is currently looking at wording of bills not approved at General Conference for presentation at Fall Executive Board meeting. The committee worked with the proposers of the bills to clarify and rewrite the language to convey the intent of the bills. At the 2014 session of the district convention, the bills were presented to the delegation for approval. The following bills were then forwarded to the Connectional Lay Proposed Legislation committee for their review: 1) Board of Stewards 2) Ministerial Training Board 3) Qualifications of Chief Financial Officer 4) Reduction of Travel Expenses for retired bishops & general officers 5) Transparency of Connectional Budget 2014 Committee Participants Committee Members: Sandra Nelson, Chair and Melvin Jenkins, Co-chair Jo Lee Brooks, Midwest Eddie Broomfield, Missouri Carol Young, California Jerome Greer, California Faye Combs, California Bettye Owens, PNW Cora Jean Brodnaye, DM Sandra Dockery, California 3

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