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2 Cathedral Terrace (Jacksonville)
240 Units High-rise Elderly Housing To be Completed 2016 Acquisition & Rehabilitation $25 Million Total Development Cost Funding: FHFC 4% Tax Credits & SAIL Jacksonville HFA Tax Exempt Bonds and Soft Loan City of Jacksonville SHIP Raymond James Tax Credit Funds Redstone Capital

3 Images

4 History Developed and Owned by Aging True Built in 1974
Aging True total 650 units HUD 202 HUD Flex Subsidy Neighborhood hub Meals program

5 Joint Venture Partnership
Aging True 30% Blue Sky 70% Pre-dev costs Guarantees Aging True reinvests substantial portion of their Equity

6 Timeline September 2012: Initial JV discussions
January 2013: Finalize JV MOU December 2013: Apply for Bonds and JHFA Funds Early 2014: Apply for SAIL (lose) Early 2014: Apply for 9% Housing Credits (lose) August 2014: Apply for SHIP September 2014: Apply again for SAIL December 2014: Win SAIL (!!!), and enter Credit Underwriting June 29, 2015: Submit building permit applications August 18, 2015: Resubmit plans addressing bldg. dept comments October 2015: Finalize Credit Underwriting December 2015 (?): Closing

7 Sources and Uses

8 Other Local HFA opportunities

9 Questions?

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