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Animal Integration in the Educational Programme „ZORO”

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1 Animal Integration in the Educational Programme „ZORO”

2 the feedbacks of our activities
The children's reaction The teacher comments The parents opinion Case description about Laura Case descriotion about Peter Our succes

3 Questionnaire for students
1.Do you like animals? O yes O no 2.If you do,what’s your favorite animal? 3.Have you got a pet? o yes o no 4.If you have,what kind ofanimal is it?

4 Questionnaire for students
5. Are there any animals in your school? o yes o no 6. If you have, what kind of animals are they? 7.Did you take Part on a lesson with Kemi or Hamu?

5 Questionnaire for students
8.What did you do with them? Mark it. O Telling rhymes O Doing sport O Counting O Reading O Caressing

6 Questionnaire for students
9. Are you happy with Kemi and Hamu? o yes o no 10. If you are, why? Mark it. o because they are good friend o because I can caress o I can feed them

7 Questionnaire for students
11.Did you visit the Animal Hospital? o yes o no 12.If you did,what did you learn about it? Mark it. o Sick animals are hier cured o How do dogs get chips? o What kind of operations are there for animals? o What kind of tools do vets use?

8 Questionnaire for students
13. Did you visit the animal shelter? o yes o no 14.If you did, what did you need to observe? Mark it. o The behaviors of animals o What means, if the dog wags with tail? o What means, if dog barks? o Why do animals get hier?

9 Questionnaire for students
15.Were you there, when the animal shelter activities visited us? o yes o no 16. If you were, what did you learn? o Keeping animals is always responsibility. o Dogs need chips to find them easier. o Torturing animals is an indictable offence

10 Questionnaire for students
17. Were you in horsepark in Simonpuszta? o yes o no 18.If you were, what did you do there? Mark it. o We were told stories about horses o How to take care of them? o I rode. o I gave them carottes

11 Questionnaire for students
19. Would you like to take part on similar trips ? o yes o no

12 Questionnaire for parents
1.Did you gladly contribute to the lesson, where your child could work with a dog or a rabbit? o yes o no 2. If you did, why? 3.Did you recognise any changes in your child’s behavior due to the animal program?

13 Questionnaire for parents
4. If you did, what kind of changes? 5. Does your child tell about the lessons with animal? o yes o no 6. If he/she does,what is his/her favorite part?

14 Questionnaire for Teachers
1.How did you react to fact, that Rita brings a dog and Gyönygyi brings a rabbit in the school? 2. Did you get enough information about this method? 3.Do you have any students , who has lessons with animal-assisted therapy? 4. If you have , did you recognise any changes in the behavior learning? 5. Would you suggest this method? 6. If you would, why? 7. If you would’nt, why?

15 Case description Laura 8 year old

16 Case description Laura 8 year old
Laura is an 8-year old beautiful girl living with autism. She spends 5 hours with me every week. According to her diagnosis she is a headstrong in tasks, she does what she feels like doing despite warming, she doesn’tlike compromises. She’s weak at observing rules.She is clumsy when changing activities. Her attention is easily distracted.Avoids eye contact.Problematic behavior, fits of rage, she isn’t willing to accept control.Shows dislike with shouting. When she started school, her socialbehavior was behind her peers. Summary In two years she went through a huge development socially and mentally; she pays attention in class, tries to understand and accept rules. Though it’s the beginning of a long process, this little girl and her parents, teachers and classmates could handle obstacles very well. In this case, despite problems at the beginning, integration was successful. I’m aware of the fact that Laura’s “taming” isn’t only due to the bunny-therapy; but I’m sure it made a great contribution to her development, along with the other development methods.

17 Case description Peter 8 year old

18 Case description Peter 8 year old
Peter is a autism (ASD) boy, who lives also with a selective mutism (selective Mutis). He closed himself in his own little world and he let only one or two people in, but only for a short period of time. He doesn’t make any contact to his teachers or to his mates, he doesn’t speak with them. Apparently he doesn’t understand the tasks/exercises, he doesn’t show any emotion, but in writing he works beautifully. He has repetitive movements, he is sitting often on the floor and swinging back and forth. He participate two hours a week on occupation with therapy dogs. Summary The dog occupations have a very good effect on him, he can tell the learned poetry and he occurs in the classroom and he answers the questions, but somtimes difficult to understand. I can see him smiling only at the dog occupations. He likes the small group sessions with the dogs, he is much more relaxed in these hours, he takes part with pleasure on the games. Over a year he has improved a lot.

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