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Depression Depression is a disorder that affects about 30% of the adult population in the United States. Depression is characterized as involving.

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Presentation on theme: "Depression Depression is a disorder that affects about 30% of the adult population in the United States. Depression is characterized as involving."— Presentation transcript:

1 Depression Depression is a disorder that affects about 30% of the adult population in the United States. Depression is characterized as involving an absence of joy, low energy, and high levels of sadness.

2 Biological Aspects of Depression
Genes, brain function and neurotransmitters all play a role in depression Depression can be genetic but having depression in your genes does not necessarily mean you will develop the disorder. A stressful environment can make one more susceptible to developing depression Deficiencies of the neurotransmitters norepenephrine and seratonin have been a common occurrence in people with depression. The neurotransmitter, seratonin, specifically regulates mood, sleep, aggression and sexual function. When seratonin is low or nonexistent, a depressive state will occur.

3 Psychological Aspects of Depression
Key factors involved in the psychological aspects of depression are environment, personal experience and thought patterns. When a person grows up in a stressful environment and feels that there is nothing they can do about their situation, they may develop a sense of learned helplessness. “When an individual cannot control their stress, they eventually feel helpless and stop trying to change their situation. This helplessness spirals into hopelessness.” -Martin Seligman

4 Sociocultural Aspects of Depression
Studies show that people with a lower standard of living are more likely to become depressed. “...a variety of chronic health problems disproportionately affecting the poor, with the incidence of depression showing the strongest disparity: 31 percent of Americans under the U.S. Census Bureau's poverty threshold in 2011 had been diagnosed with the disorder, as opposed to percent of those not in poverty.” --Gallup- Healthways Well-Being Index study

5 Personal Experience When I was seventeen I was diagnosed with chronic depression. From the time I was young I remember being constantly sad all the time. I thought feeling that way was normal. As I have grown older and visited with therapists I have learned that coping mechanisms and different ways to re- direct my mind into thinking positively. Staying positive and optimistic about life in general is something that is very hard for me even when on medication. I have realized the psychological aspects of my depression in that my thoughts directly affect my happiness. It has taken me a lot of time and effort to re-route my thinking patterns and develop a new mindset. A combination of medication and psycho-dynamic therapy has helped me cope with my depressive disorder.

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