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MAKING WAVES Action Plans.

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Presentation on theme: "MAKING WAVES Action Plans."— Presentation transcript:

1 MAKING WAVES Action Plans

2 Let’s make ART!

3 Workshops Power and roots of violence Ties that bind
Effective communication Gender and Stereotypes What should I do? Social Media Unhealthy Relationships We want to know Consent and boundaries Bridging the gap

Come together and discuss what you drew on the large paper

5 What should you share? What are the most important messages you drew/wrote down? What should your school know? What knowledge is your school lacking? What information should you share with your community? HOW ARE YOU GOING TO SHARE IT?

6 IDEA 1: Present workshops in health classes

7 IDEA 2: Have your own mini conference

8 IDEA 3: Making T-shirts and wearing them

9 IDEA 4: Passing out pamphlets

10 IDEA 5: Painting a Mural

11 IDEA 6: Make a movie

12 IDEA 7: Make Posters

13 IDEA 8: Prepare a presentation in your community

14 IDEA 9: Host a poster making contest

15 IDEA 10: Start a Twitter campaign
#FHSEndsStereotypes #ActiveBystandersSVHS #EndViolenceWoodstockHigh

16 Find other things you can do in your school to Make Waves!
MAKE YOUR OWN!!!! Find other things you can do in your school to Make Waves!

17 SMART Goals Now is the time to make your goals Set a timeline
Appoint tasks Make a budget Make announcements

18 Show us your awesome projects by using the hashtag above!!
#MakingOurWaves2K17 Show us your awesome projects by using the hashtag above!!

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