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The Ancient Near East: Mesopotamia

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2 The Ancient Near East: Mesopotamia
When-Between BCE Where-Modern day Iraq Who-Sumerians What-First written language, temples, and sculpted figures Why-Religiously inspired

3 The ancient culture of Mesopotamia flourished because they live between two rivers…the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The rivers caused rich soil=lots of food=time to create art Their art was stylized. No details, very simple.

4 Whoo Hoo-first system of writing!!!
Created a system of wedge shaped marks in clay that was the earliest form of written language known as cuneiform. Used stylized pictogram system Used to record laws, taxes, trade, and religious doctrine as well as daily life

5 Votive Figures-Sculptures
Sculptures-Human figures have big eyes which were “windows to the soul” and show willingness to be open to god’s will They are made from stone/marble Sculptures have praying hands and pray to many gods-polytheistic

6 Descriptive Perspective-the sculptures size is relative to their status in society
Gods are depicted the tallest, priests the next tallest, and then worshippers the shortest

7 Temples The Sumerians constructed huge temples of mud-brick fired in the sun ziggurats- the high temple platform, usually built in the form of a truncated stepped pyramid with ramp like stairways leading to the sanctuary at the top. Cella-the main rectangular room of a temple containing the image of a god or goddess. Sacrifices were often made here.

8 These “man-made mountains” were dwelling places for the gods
They believed they left to reside in the sky at night Only priests were allowed inside

9 Most famous Ziggurat The most famous of all Ziggurats was the Biblical Tower of Babel, which was completely destroyed. The mud-brick deteriorated and left only the foundations of most ziggurats.

10 The Last Ziggurat The Ziggurat at Ur 2100-2000 BC Present day Iraq
Includes stepped levels, dramatic staircases, and subtle curves Used to bridge the gap between the earthly and the divine-therefore the structure is as high as possible.

11 Cylinder Seal Made from clay
Used to mark documents or property (like a signature or tamper proof seal) Carved with decorative design Usually very small (2-10 cm) Often worn around the neck

12 The seals create continuous designs

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