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The basic thermal components: the CCR assembly

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1 The basic thermal components: the CCR assembly
CCRs in contact only with KEL-F plastic. Good thermal isolation to avoid: Mechanical deformations High thermal gradients Both the above would alter the CCR optical response to lasers Al retainer rings also isolated (in contact only with plastic rings) CCR BACK located in a closed Al cavity Al retainer ring KEL-F ring Fused silica CCR Al screw Just finished building the 3x3 matrix to measure the CCR and retainer ring THERMAL RELAXATION TIME September 2005

2 Status of thermal studies
Characterization of the thermal behavior of the single CCR Thermal relaxation time, tCCR, in space climate: FIRST simulation results on the LNF climatic facility with SINDA-Fluint (no measurement ever; values in the literature range from ~2000 sec to ~7000 sec) Asymptotic temperature, T(∞): FIRST simu. results Simulation results on tRETAINER RING in progress Hardware: 3x3 CCR matrix prototype: READY Plastic rings: KEL-F purchased now exercising machining with DELRIN, available in house Cryostat: special flange for GE window for IR camera: READY Urgently needed: solar simulator and Ge window for measuring temperatures with IR camera September 2005

3 Simulation work in progress According to IC’s note, tCCR is unknown at the level of 250%. This implicates a 1-2 % error on the node for the Lense-Thirring effect. If we measure tCCR at 5% level this will give % error of the node for LT. With a ≤ 0.5 K accuracy on thermometry this is within (statistical) reach SUN=on, IR=off Error on T = 0.5 K T (K) of CCR Time (sec) SUN=off, IR=on Error on T = 0.5 K




7 Completed hardware work
LAGEOS CCR With plastic rings Cryostat ready. Special flange for Ge window in place Al CCR matrix

8 Solar simulator configuration: top view
LARES: d = 30 cm Simulator d = 25 cm CCR matrix: ~ 15 cm ~ 0.9 m q~15o Cooler IR camera Thermometry measurements with < few % accuracy Very good IR camera; temper. accuracy 0.1oC in [-100o,+100o]C In addition to IR camera will also use discrete temp. sensors with better accuracy in a much larger temp. range September 2005

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