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Presentation on theme: "Stress."— Presentation transcript:

1 Stress

2 Stress Stress- The combination of a new or possibly threatening situation and your body’s natural response. Stressor- Anything that causes a stress response. What are your stressors???

3 The two types of stress Distress- Negative stress
Examples of distress? Eustress- Positive stress Examples of eustress?

4 Discussing Stress Type A (intense) Type B (laid back) personalities
Stressors never come one at a time Ex: bucket of water Distress affects relationships

5 The Stress Response Stress Response- “Fight vs Flight” your body’s reaction to a stressor. Fight reaction- Your body releases epinephrine a stress hormone that increases the level of sugar in your blood. The extra sugar released gives you a quick energy boost which prepares you to fight or to run. More blood goes to the brain, hearing and vision sharpen, breathing speeds up, heart beats faster and harder, more blood goes to the legs and arms. Your body can only handle this surge for a short period of time. Flight reaction- Your body shuts down and can freeze up. You can feel extreme fatigue.

6 Long-Term Effects of Stress on the Body
Brain- anxiety disorder or depression; stroke from high blood pressure Heart- heart disease and heart attacks Circulatory system- high blood pressure and coronary artery disease Immune system- increased risk of infection and disease Digestive system- digestive problems, such as diarrhea, constipation, cramps, abdominal bloating, and a type of ulcer Skin- acne, hives, psoriasis, and eczema Weight- loss of appetite and weight; cravings for “comfort foods,” such as salty or sweet food, which can lead to weight gain. Other- diabetes, chronic pain (arthritis), and sleep disorders, all of which may be made worse by long-term stress.

7 Defense Mechanisms Defense Mechanism- an automatic, short term behavior to cope with distress. 1) Rationalization- making excuses instead of admitting mistakes. 2) Displacement- shifting negative feelings about one person to another person (This is what Amanda did). 3) Repression- blocking out unpleasant memories. 4) Denial- ignoring reality or pretending that something doesn’t exist. 5) Projection- putting the blame for your problem on someone or something else.

8 Stress Management Stress Management- The ability to handle stress in healthy ways. Coping- A permanent way to deal with stress.

9 Stress Management Techniques
Reframing Make a schedule Laugh Talk to someone Exercise Positive communication Ask for help Breathing Setting priorities Get enough sleep/eat right Manage expectations

10 stress

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