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Comprehensive Stress Management

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1 Comprehensive Stress Management
Chapter 15

2 What Is Job Stress? personal characteristics factors intrinsic to job
extra-organizational stressors

3 Occupational Stress Is Costly
health costs to the individual to the business costs in job satisfaction / employee turnover costs in employer liability (worker’s compensation laws)

4 Occupational Stress and Physiological Effects
hypertension increased serum cholesterol, glucose, & lipids coronary heart disease diabetes peptic ulcers

5 Occupational Stress and Psychological Effects
low self-esteem increased job tension decreased job satisfaction poor job performance increased absenteeism

6 Occupational Stressors
lack of participation role problems role overload role insufficiency role ambiguity role conflict job dissatisfaction motivation factors work environment

7 Machlowitz’s Characteristics of a Workaholic
intense and energetic sleeplessness difficulty taking vacations spends most of the time working frequently eats while working prefers work over play works hard at making the most of their time blurs the distinction between work and play works anywhere and everywhere

8 Burnout . . . the physical and emotional exhaustion due to too much work or frequent frustration at work.

9 Symptoms of Burnout diminished sense of humor
skipping rest and food breaks increased overtime and no vacations increased physical complaints social withdrawal changed job performance self-medication internal changes

10 Women Working Outside the Home
Women earn less income than men in almost all job categories. Minority women earn less money than white women. Women with outside employment also work inside the home. child-rearing housework

11 Median Weekly Earnings of Full-time Wage and Salary Workers, 1991

12 Sexual harassment at work can come in many forms
sexual advances made by someone of power or authority direct threats of firing, lack of promotion, or other sanctions implied or interpreted threats or sanctions jokes or sexual innuendos that make a worker feel uncomfortable perform on the job less well suffer in career development

13 Some effects of sexual harassment include
feelings of guilt feelings of helplessness and fear loss of self-esteem headaches, backaches, & neck pains gastrointestinal illness chronic depression

14 Domestic engineering has stressors too!
role overload role insufficiency role ambiguity role conflict role denigration

15 Life Situation Interventions
life situations perceived stressful emotional arousal physiological consequences quit the job request a change in job responsibility don’t take work home take a full lunch break don’t do work during lunch discuss your feelings perceive stressors and challenges roadblock

16 Perception Interventions
look for humor in stressful situations see things for what they are (reality) distinguish between need and desire separate your self-worth from the task employ the appropriate coping style problem-focused vs. emotion-focused life situations perceived stressful emotional arousal physiological consequences roadblock

17 Emotional and Physiologic Arousal Interventions
life situations perceived stressful emotional arousal physiological consequences relaxation techniques exercise roadblock roadblock

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