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African Civilization and Culture Back.

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1 African Civilization and Culture Back

2 African Civilization and Culture:
Influenced by trade, technology and religion Back

3 Label on Africa Map Med. Sea Ethiopian Highlands Red Sea Madagascar
Atlantic Ocean Sahara Desert – outline, lightly shade Indian Ocean Sahel – “Coastline” Nile River Equator Niger R. Arabian Peninsula Zambezi R. Europe Limpopo R. Asia Congo R. - Kingdom of Aksum - Kingdoms of Ghana, Mali and Songhay - Zimbabwe

4 Africa 500 B.C. – 1500A.D. Spread of Islam Trans-Saharan trade allowed for spread of Islam to sub-Saharan Africa. Importance of Family Extended Family = Grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins Clan = All sharing common ancestors Trade Trans-Saharan trade routes connected Med. Sea & sub-Saharan Africa. Traditional Religion Many believed in one creator, along with Animism = spirits in animals, plants & natural forces Sub-Saharan Africa Region of Africa below/south of Sahara Desert Quick Review Map

5 Kingdom of Aksum – A.D. 300-700 Location Trade King Ezana Decline
Near Ethiopian highlands, Nile river& Red Sea - Terrace agriculture Trade Major trade kingdom between Rome & India King Ezana King of Aksum – Expanded territory, & adopted Christianity Decline Aksum displaced and declines following Muslim invasion Quick Review Map

6 Bantu Migrations – 500 B.C.-A.D. 1500
Bantu = language family 1st Bantu-speaking lived in West Africa They migrated to South & East Africa Reasons for migrations Desertification – drying of land Slash & burn farming depleted soil. overpopulation

7 West African Kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai
Kingdoms located at edge of Sahara Desert in West Africa Salt Mines Sahara Desert Kingdoms grew rich from two major trade items = Gold and Salt! GMS Gold Mines City of Timbuktu was center of learning in West Africa. Site of a large university Mansa Musa Great Mali King Famous pilgrimage to Mecca Islam eventually becomes religion of west African kingdoms. Quick Review Map

8 Kingdom Zimbabwe and city of Great Zimbabwe – A.D. 1000’s –1400’s
Located in southeast Africa along Indian Ocean coast. Between Zambezi & Limpopo Rivers Location linked inland gold fields & Coastal trade cities Capital city = Great Zimbabwe – center of wealth and prosperity in Southeast Africa Quick Review Map


10 Major African Language Families

11 Back

12 Trans-Saharan Trade Routes

13 Sub-Saharan Africa Back

14 Africa 500 B.C. – 1500A.D. Spread of Islam Importance of Family Trade
Traditional Religion Sub-Saharan Africa

15 Africa Quiz 500 B.C. – 1500A.D. Word Bank Monotheism Ezana slash & burn Cyrus terrace animism Mansa Musa Hajj Christianity Judaism Islam Inter-Africa Sub-Saharan Trans-Saharan Match these kingdoms with their locations on the map. 1.____ Aksum 2.____ Ghana, Mali, Songhai 3.____ Zimbabwe 4.Which religion did the Kingdom of Aksum adopt? _________________ Aksum is located between which two trade regions? _____________________ Aksum was displaced by the spread of ____________ along the east coast of Africa. Who was the most famous king of Aksum? ________________________ What farming method did the use to adapt to the landscape? ______________ Who was the most famous king of Mali? _________________________________ For which trip is he best known? _________________________________ 11. The kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai depended on which two main trade items. _____________ & ______________ 12. Which of the following cities was known for its major university and being a center of Islamic scholarship? Circle one: Tours, Timbuktu, Uruk 13. The region of Africa south of the Sahara desert? _____________________________ 14. Which trade kingdom was located on the southeast coast of Africa? _______________ 15. What is the type of religion that believes in spirits in animals, plants, & natural forces? __________________ 16. Trade across the Sahara Desert is called __________________ Trade. C B A 17. _____ Sahara Desert 21. _____ Limpopo River 25. _____ Arabian Peninsula 18. _____ Niger River 22. _____ Red Sea 26. _____ Madagascar 19. _____ Congo River 23. _____ Nile River 27. _____ Sahel (Label on map) 20. _____ Zambezi River 24. _____ Mediterranean Sea

16 Africa Quiz 500 B.C. – 1500A.D. Word Bank Monotheism Ezana slash & burn Cyrus terrace animism Mansa Musa Hajj Christianity Judaism Islam Inter-Africa Sub-Saharan Trans-Saharan Match these kingdoms with their locations on the map. 1. ____ Aksum 2. ____ Ghana, Mali, Songhai 3. ____ Zimbabwe 4. Which religion did the Kingdom of Aksum adopt? _________________ Aksum is located between which two trade regions? _____________________ Aksum was displaced by the spread of ____________ along the east coast of Africa. Who was the most famous king of Aksum? ________________________ What farming method did the use to adapt to the landscape? ______________ Who was the most famous king of Mali? _________________________________ For which trip is he best known? _________________________________ 11. The kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai depended on which two main trade items. _____________ & ______________ 12. Which of the following cities was known for its major university and being a center of Islamic scholarship? Circle one: Tours, Timbuktu, Uruk 13. The region of Africa south of the Sahara desert? _____________________________ 14. Which trade kingdom was located on the southeast coast of Africa? _______________ 15. What is the type of religion that believes in spirits in animals, plants, & natural forces? __________________ 16. Trade across the Sahara Desert is called __________________ Trade. 17. _____ Sahara Desert 21. _____ Limpopo River 25. _____ Arabian Peninsula 18. _____ Niger River 22. _____ Red Sea 26. _____ Madagascar 19. _____ Congo River 23. _____ Nile River 27. _____ Sahel (Label on map) 20. _____ Zambezi River 24. _____ Mediterranean Sea

17 Africa 500 B.C. – 1500A.D.

18 Kingdom of Aksum – A.D Location Trade King Ezana Decline

19 Bantu Migrations – 500 B.C.-A.D. 1500
Reasons for migrations

20 West African Kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai – 800-1500

21 Kingdom Zimbabwe and city of Great Zimbabwe – A.D. 1000’s –1400’s

22 Mansa Musa – Great king of Mali; made pilgrimage to Mecca

23 Great Zimbabwe

24 Capital city of Zimbabwe
Great Zimbabwe Capital city of Zimbabwe

25 Quick Review Map Back

26 Steles of Aksum

27 Terrace Farming

28 Back

29 Trans-Saharan Trade Routes
Through West African Kingdoms Back to Africa Back to salt

30 Two Mosques at Timbuktu
Spread of Islam to Sub-Saharan Africa Two Mosques at Timbuktu Back

31 Remains of great university at Timbuktu
Salt comes from the north, gold from the south, and silver from the country of the white men, but the word of God and the treasures of wisdom are only to be found in Timbuktu. An old West African proverb Back

32 Spread of Islam Throughout Africa Back

33 Salt Mines Gold Mines Back

34 Salt Mines Gold Mines Back

35 Sahara Desert World’s largest desert 3.5 million square miles
Next largest = Arabian – 900,000 sq. mi. Avg. temp = 86 degrees Hottest months = more the 120’s Highest recorded = 136 degrees Back


37 Africa 500 B.C. – 1500A.D. Trans-Saharan trade Extended Family =
Spread of Islam Trans-Saharan trade Importance of Family Extended Family = Clan = All sharing common ancestors Trade Trans-Saharan trade routes connected Med. Sea & sub-Saharan Africa. Traditional Religion Many believed in one creator, along with Animism = spirits in animals, plants & natural forces Sub-Saharan Africa

38 Kingdom Zimbabwe and city of Great Zimbabwe – A.D. 1000’s –1400’s
Located in southeast Africa along Indian Ocean coast. Location linked inland gold fields & Coastal trade cities Capital city = Great Zimbabwe –

39 Kingdom of Aksum – A.D. 300-700 Location Trade King Ezana Decline
Major trade kingdom between Rome & India King Ezana King of Aksum – Decline Aksum displaced and declines following Muslim invasion

40 Mansa Musa's famous hajj (pilgrimage) placed him in history and in the attention of the entire European and Islamic world. About the time that the Aztecs began building Tenochtitlan, the and the Ottoman Turks began the creation of their empire, Mansa Musa began his obligatory hajj to Mecca in 1324 with an impressive company. In his caravan he brought sixty-thousand people dressed in fine silk and eighty camels carrying two tons of gold. Among this throng Mansa Musa had twelve-thousand servants, five hundred of which carried staffs of gold. If this entourage had not caught the attention of the countries he crossed through, his generous giving would. Wherever he went he gave gold to the needy as given is required by a pillar of Islam. In Cairo he gave so much gold that in Egypt its value did not recover for twelve years. Back

41 Aksum connects Rome and India through trade

42 West African Kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai – 800- 1500
Kingdoms located at edge of Sahara Desert in ______ ______________________ Salt Mines Sahara Desert Kingdoms grew rich from two major trade items = _____________________! GMS Gold Mines City of Timbuktu was center of learning in West Africa. Site of a ______________________ Mansa Musa _________________ Famous pilgrimage to ______________ ______eventually becomes religion of _____________ ______________________ Quick Review Map

43 West African Kingdoms of Ghana, Mali, and Songhai
Kingdoms located at edge of Sahara Desert in ______ ______________________ Kingdoms grew rich from two major trade items = _____________________! City of Timbuktu was center of learning in West Africa. Site of a ______________________ Mansa Musa _________________ Famous pilgrimage to ______________ ______eventually becomes religion of _____________ ______________________ Quick Review Map

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