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Is The Earth Flat and The Economy Circular?

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1 Is The Earth Flat and The Economy Circular?
Kiljava Training Centre, Finland,

2 Definition ADEME (Environment and Energy Control Agency – France)
Industrial Ecology: optimum resource, energy and waste management through the implementation of synergies between businesses (waste recovery, pooling services and supplies, exchanging industrial flows, etc.) Economy of Functionality: The economy of functionality comprises replacing the idea of selling products with selling the use of the product, which leads to a decoupling of value added, and energy and raw material use.

3 The Three Parts of the Circular Economy
Cutting the use of materials: eco-design, recycling and re-use Cutting production costs, reducing dependence on imports Increasing product shelf life: economy of functionality, recycling, re-use Cutting costs for consumers, reducing environmental impact, creating jobs and sectors Cutting transport requirements and territorial anchoring of businesses: shorter routes, industrial ecology  Relocating businesses, reducing environmental impact

4 'Closing the Loop' - A European Action Plan in support of the Circular Economy
Adoption: 2nd December 2015 Aims: Making maximum use of raw materials, products and waste Supporting energy savings and cutting greenhouse gas emissions Impacting the entire cycle: production, consumption, waste management, the secondary raw materials market New training required

5 'Closing the Loop' - A European Action Plan in support of the Circular Economy
Scope of planned measures: Reducing food waste (in half by 2030) Quality standards for secondary raw materials Working Plan for eco-design ( ) A review of fertiliser regulations A strategy for plastics (including marine debris) Re-using water Integrating the circular economy into public tenders Labelling Businesses using best available techniques (BREF documents - EU) Extended producer responsibility systems (EPR) A review of waste legislation Limiting hazardous substances in electric/electronic equipment (26/1/2017) Energy rating for waste (26/1/2017)

6 'Closing the Loop' - A European Action Plan in support of the Circular Economy
The main elements of the revised proposal on waste: -  Recycling 65 % of municipal waste  -  Recycling 75 % of packaging  - Reducing landfill to a maximum 10% for municipal waste - Promoting economic instruments to discourage landfill - Promoting the re-use of materials between sectors Economic measures to encourage: the sale of more environmentally friendly products recycling systems

7 Thank you for your time!

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