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Coordination and Cooperation

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1 Coordination and Cooperation
Compiled by Shushma Manandhar NASC, Jawalakhel

2 What happens... if the doctors don't coordinate in operation theatre?

3 result might not be the same as we wish.
...if every one is facing in different directions ? result might not be the same as we wish.

4 Coordination is a deliberate and conscious effort to obtain desired goal

5 “ It is integrating process in an orderly pattern of group efforts in an organization toward the accomplishment of a common objective"

6 Though coordination and cooperation seem quite similar, the two terms denote quite different meanings. Cooperation is the willingness of individuals. Foundation for coordination. Cooperation has no time, quality and direction elements.

7 “co-operation without co-ordination has no fruit and co-ordination without co-operation has no root.” So they both need to go hand in hand to achieve better outputs.

8 Difference between coordination and cooperation
Basis Co-ordination Co-operation Meaning “It is an orderly arrangement of group efforts, deliberate action It means mutual help Scope It is broader than co- operation. It is termed as a part of co-ordination. Process performed by top management. prepared by persons at any level. Requirements required by employees and departments at work depends on the willingness of people working together. Relationship It establishes formal and informal relationships. It establishes informal relationship.”

9 Principles of coordination (Mary Parker Follett, American sociologist, management consultant, and political philosopher)

10 Four Principles for effective coordination (Mary Parker Follett, American sociologist, management consultant, and political philosopher) 1. Early Start: Plans should be based on participation. So coordination must start during planning and policy making stage. Will result in making the best plan and implementing them with success.

11 Four Principles for effective coordination (Mary Parker Follett, American sociologist, management consultant, and political philosopher) 2. Direct Contact: Managers must have direct contacts with the people concerned. Improves interpersonal relationship. Helps to avoid misunderstandings and disputes. Helps managers to coordinate all activities effectively and efficiently.

12 Four Principles for effective coordination (Mary Parker Follett, American sociologist, management consultant, and political philosopher) 3. Continuity: The process must start from the beginning till the end. It must be done continuously during planning, organizing, directing and controlling.

13 Four Principles for effective coordination (Mary Parker Follett, American sociologist, management consultant, and political philosopher) 4. Reciprocal Relations: -The decisions and actions of all departments are interrelated. -These actions may affect another person and department. -Managers must find out the effects that can create. -If it is followed properly, coordination will be successful.

14 Additional principles of coordination
- Mutual respect Clarity of object Effective Communication Scalar chain

15 Additional principles of coordination
Effective Communication: Good communication must be present within organization and its stakeholders. It helps to avoid misunderstanding. Mutual Respect: Without mutual respect coordination may not survive. The managers must respect the feelings and emotions of employees and they also respect to their bosses.

16 Additional principles of coordination
Clarity of objectives: Every employee must know and have clear understanding of the organizational objectives. Clear objectives can be achieved easily and quickly. Scalar Chain: This line of authority joins everyone from top to bottom. Every member must know who is his superiors and subordinates. It helps good communication. If needs, gang plank/bridge/direct contact could be done.

17 Why does coordination fail ?
What are the issues relating to coordination? Planning Communication (information sharing, reporting) Interpersonal relationship Leadership Monitoring and supervision Grievance handling Right man in right place

18 Obstacles to Co-ordination
Vested interests, self centered Ambiguous rules and regulations Conflicting roles Lack of commitment Communication gap No delegation Lack of trust and respect, jealousy Insufficient resources Lack of efficient leading

19 Coordination and organization
Coordination is the essence of management.(mother principle of management) Without proper management( man, machine and money) organization could not sustain nor flourish. It is required in each & every function and at each & every stage. It cannot be separated from organization.

20 Coordination and organization
Coordination is an ingredient of all the managerial functions in an organization. Whether it is integrating the various plans through mutual discussion, or organizing various activities of different departments, coordination plays a vital role.

21 Good manager always thinks about staffing and try to put the right men on the right job. The personnel with appropriate knowledge and skills can coordinate activities better. Giving direction could clear the vision and make harmony between subordinates and supervisors.

22 Through controlling manager ensures that there should be co-ordination between actual performance & standard performance to achieve organizational goals.

23 Team Work

24 Team Building "various activities undertaken to motivate and increase the overall performance of the team"

25 Stages in Team Building  (American organizational psychologist Bruce Tuckman in 1965)
1. Forming 2. Storming 3. Norming 4. Performing 5. Adjourning

26 According to Mary Parker Follett, coordinating is the “Plus-value of the group”.
Good coordination among the groups bring the synergy effect.

27 Importance of Team Building
Opportunity to learn from each other. Division of Work: less stress, required less time Better outputs, economy and efficiency Support for difficult tasks and situations. Better relationship Shared responsibility– (when things go wrong:  team will stand by one another) Building Effective decisions

28 Techniques How can coordination be achieved ?

29 The Canadian academic, Henry Mintzberg’s six coordination mechanisms
1. Mutual adjustment made possible by a process of informal communication between people conducting interdependent work. 2. Direct supervision Coordination is achieved by one individual taking responsibility for the work of others.

30 3. Standardization of work processes
Coordination is made possible by specifying the work processes of people carrying out interrelated tasks - specifying the work content in rules or routines to be followed. 4. Standardization of output Coordination is obtained (by specifying the results of different work - specifications that outline the dimensions of a product to be produced)- financial reports

31 5. Standardization of skills and knowledge
(in which different work is coordinated by the related training and education the workers have received (as in medical specialists –surgeon and an anesthetist -responding almost automatically to each other’s standards)   6. Standardization of norms  (the work that are controlled, usually for the entire organization, so that everyone functions according to the same set of beliefs)

32 Co-ordination Mechanism
-Policy, Planning and Procedures -Simplified organization -Effective Communication (room for listening) -Leadership/Supervision -Direction, Control -Meetings, workshops -Incentive, Reward and Punishment


34 Coordination is the key of Success



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