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Making Every Opportunity Count Orientation Session

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1 Making Every Opportunity Count Orientation Session
Trainer notes – the notes accompanying the slides are to provide guidance in how to run this session. The slides are designed to be adaptable. The session should take approximately 40 minutes to deliver Prior to delivery of the session you should consider how best to tailor the slides to make them relevant to your organisation and the team you are delivering the session too. You may use some or all of the slides or even add your own. Please amend any images etc make the presentation as relevant as possible to your audience. This session is designed to give staff an introduction to MEOC and start thinking about their role in MEOC prior to the skills session. It will also give you a good understanding of how best to pitch the MEOC skills session as you’ll have a better understanding of where your audience is at with MEOC and their learning needs. Depending on the structure, capacity and knowledge of the team you may decide not to run this as a separate session but incorporate the contents into the MEOC skills session. Developed by Tony Connell Learning and Development Consultant and the East Midlands Health Trainer Hub, hosted by NHS Derbyshire County

2 Learning Outcomes By the end of the session staff will:
Understand the economic and personal value of self care. Be aware of the underpinning principles of MeOC. Have identified points of client contact where they could provide them with health improvement information. National strategies need to be applied in Grampian as we have some challenges that we can help to affect through Making Every Opportunity Count

3 Making Every Opportunity Count (MeOC)
What is MeOC? MeOC is a brief intervention being rolled out across NHS Grampian to support staff to make the best of every appropriate opportunity to raise the issues of a healthy lifestyle. MeOC encourages all staff, whether they’re clinical or not, to engage in conversations (usually just 30 seconds – 3 minutes) based on behaviour change methodologies, empowering healthier lifestyle choices and exploring the wider social detriments that influence all our health. This is regardless of the nature of the services user’s appointment. It is not anything complicated but about staff being able to provide simple, brief lifestyle information and being able to signpost patients to existing services where appropriate including services supporting financial and social issues.

4 Making Every Opportunity Count (MeOC)
The National Clinical Strategy For Scotland (Executive Summary) “The health of the population of Scotland is poorer than in many other European countries, but will continue to improve with national initiatives to support healthier lifestyle choices.....” Taken from the Executive Summary, A National Clinical Strategy For Scotland.

5 Making Every Opportunity Count (MeOC)
Practical improvements to person-centred care are promoted and supported through the framework of five key ‘Must Do With Me’ principles: 1. What matters to you? (We will ask you about your personal goals and the things that are important to you. These things will form the basis of everything we do with you.) 2. Who matters to you? (We will ask you about the people that matter most in your life and will help you to stay connected and involve them in the way that you choose.) 3. What information do you need? (We will provide you with understandable full information and will support you to make decisions that take account of your personal goals and the things that are important to you.) 4. Nothing about me without me (We will always involve you in any decisions, discussions or communications about you.) 5. Service flexibility (As much as possible, the timing and method by which you contact and use services or supports are flexible and can be adapted to your personal needs.) (Reference: Chief Medical Officer Report 2014/15) Of the CMO report key questions three are relevant: How can people (as patients) and professionals combine their expertise to share (clinical - not in our case) decisions that focus on outcomes that matter to individuals? How can we reduce unwarranted variation in (clinical - delete)  practice to achieve optimal outcomes for patients? How can we ensure value for public money and prevent waste? (ie in our case by using all of the assets...those of the person combined with the non-clinical expertise across third and public sector by effecting signposting to support etc) The pursuit of realistic medicine (for us realistic practice) is a key aim with NHSG as well as national Clinical Services Strategy. We all have a role to deliver on these!

6 Health Inequalities Health inequalities are preventable and unjust differences in health status experienced by certain population groups. People in lower socio-economic groups are more likely to experience chronic ill-health and die earlier than those who are more advantaged. Tackling health inequalities is challenging. Health inequalities are influenced by a wide range of factors including access to education, employment and good housing; equitable access to healthcare; individuals’ circumstances and behaviours, such as their diet and how much they drink, smoke or exercise; and income levels. Lower Socio-economic groups identified by Income, Education, Occupation

7 Health Traffic Lights 2015 provide a colour-coded picture of health and ill health in our communities alongside population indicators.  They make it easier to see - at a glance - issues that may need to be addressed. These Health Traffic Lights are available for each of the three local authority areas and also by each postcode sector. For a picture of health inequalities be sure to access:


9 Why do we work here? What is the purpose of our role in this organisation? Question to delegates about why are they working in the NHS – whatever their role – Is it just for the salary or is it (which I hope the majority will say) is to make a difference and help people with their health) If it is how do we maximise the opportunity to do this every day?

10 Grampian needs to change!
22% of adults smoke 41% of adults drink too much (M>21 units & F>14 units) 39% do not meet recommended physical activity levels 70% of men are obese & 29% are morbidly obese 63% of women are obese & 29% are morbidly obese 23% do not eat 5 portions of fruit & veg a day ( , Scottish Government, and NHS Grampian Director of Public Health Report 2012) These data show the prevalence of unhealthy lifestyles across Grampian From HPHS 41% of adults in Grampian drink too much 69% of adults in Grampian are overweight 22% of adults in Grampian smoke

11 The Value of Self-Care and Preventative Approaches to Ill-Health
70% of the health demands made on the NHS are preventable 90% of illnesses and injuries are self-treated 90% of NHS interventions involve primary care 1% of all illnesses and injuries require hospital care. G Lister 2008 The previous slides statistics show the health challenges we have yet findings from research undertaken by Dr Graham Lister in 2008 show that a lot of the demands these conditions make on the NHS are preventable. It also shows just what an impact we could have if we made opportunities COUNT and help service users manage their health better

12 Benefits of MeOC for Service Users
Better health and wellbeing. More favourable treatment outcomes. Personal, tailored support in making positive changes. Getting better and feeling better. Increased confidence and motivation. Assisting in the reduction of health inequalities. Benefits to service users – improved health One of the barriers staff say about not engaging with MEOC is that the service users don’t want to Listen or improve their health – it would be part of the nanny state however most people do want to get healthier – lose a bit of weight, exercise more, eat a bit more healthily. People are at different stages when they are trying to improve their health. When do you have contact with them? These figures from the DH smoking strategy show 70% of smokers want to quit When you talk to people who smoke where are they on this quit journey – how do you signpost them correctly as each stage will require slightly different approach – as will whether you are talking to a 15 year old girl or a 70 year old life long smoker.

13 Questions that Need Answers!
To what extent do we do this already? What do we want to achieve? Are there any obstacles that will stop us? This is an opportunity for attendees to discuss their thoughts on the concept – to ask any questions and to start to think about what they can do to implement MEOC and what concerns or barriers they may have in implementing MEOC

14 Outpatient Departments – ARI
In Aberdeen Royal Infirmary Outpatient’s department there are 46 members of staff who work across 11 different outpatient clinics. If each staff member were to signpost 10 patients per day there will be approximately 100,000 more new opportunities to change lifestyle behaviour every year. 100% of staff in the Outpatient Departments of Aberdeen Royal Infirmary are signposting patients to appropriate health improvement resources.

15 Door Openers Have you seen the information on our notice board? Have you taken any information from our stands? This week we are raising awareness about diabetes....are you aware of how our lifestyles can affect our risk of becoming diabetic? Chats for change

16 Evidence For e-KSF All staff delivering MeOC can use the evidence for their e-KSF linking to the HWB dimensions e.g. HWB1 – Contribute to promoting health and wellbeing and preventing adverse effects on health and wellbeing. HWB4 – This dimension is about enabling and empowering people of any age – individuals, families and groups – to address their own health and wellbeing needs.

17 Evidence For Revalidation
All Nurses and Midwifes delivering MeOC have clear supporting evidence for ePortfolio and Revalidation i.e. NMC – The Code Prioritise People 2. Listen to people and respond to their preferences and concerns; 3. Make sure that people’s physical, social and psychological needs are assessed and responded to; Practice effectively 7. Communicate clearly

18 Any Questions?

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