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Beijing, Peking University Digital Cultural Heritage workshop

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Presentation on theme: "Beijing, Peking University Digital Cultural Heritage workshop"— Presentation transcript:

1 Beijing, Peking University Digital Cultural Heritage workshop
DC-NET & INDICATE And e-infrastructure for the digital cultural heritage Antonella FRESA Technical Coordinator 1

2 Table of content Background of the digital cultural heritage
Cultural Heritage sector: characteristics and needs Overview of DC-NET ERA-NET INDICATE COORDINATION ACTION The vision Sustainability Joint Programming Initiative

3 The Background of the Digital Cultural Heritage
A long way that begun 10 years ago Three complementary directions: Coordination of policies and programmes Recommendations and guidelines Implementation of innovative services

4 Brussels Quality Framework National Digitisation Programmes

5 Digital cultural content
The amount of digitised material in the European Cultural sector is growing very rapidly National, regional and European programmes support the digitisation of the content of Museums, Libraries, Archives, Archaeological sites and Audiovisual repositories The generation of digital cultural heritage is accelerated also by the impulse of Europeana that is fostering the European cultural institutions to produce even more digital content Digital cultural heritage content are distributed, complex and interlinked through many relations

6 What the resulting data need
high quality information technology management (to ensure trust, availability, reliability, long term safety of content, security, preservation and sustainability); access facilities offered to the final users who will search into the DCH e-Infrastructure for their research and to the cultural institutions that will deliver their data to the DCH e-Infrastructure; interoperation of cultural heritage data with non-cultural heritage data and other research data.

7 Two complementary initiatives
INDICATE Use case studies & pilots DC-NET Joint programming

8 DC-NET ERA-NET A Network for the European Research Area:
To establish common perspectives & priorities across the digital cultural heritage and e-Infrastructures communities in Europe, To identify constraints and capabilities in order to establish a plan of joint activities Started in December 2009, it will last until June 2012 A project funded by EC FP7 e-Infrastructures

9 DC-NET Partners: 9 Ministries from 9 EU countries
Italy: Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali - Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico (the Coordinator) Belgium: Politique scientifique fédérale/Federaal Wetenschapsbeleid (BELSPO/STIS) Estonia: Eesti Vabariigi Kultuuriministeerium France: Ministère de la Culture et de la Communication – Département de la Recherche de l’enseignement supérieur et de la technologie Greece: Υπουργείο Πολιτισμού [Hellenic Ministry of Culture] Hungary: Oktatási Kulturális Minisztérium (Ministry of National Resources) Slovenia: Ministrstvo za Kulturo Slovenia Sweden: Riksarkivet (*) Latvia: Valst Agentura Kulturas Informacijas Sistemas (new partner) (*) Partner delegated by the Ministry of Culture

10 DC-NET overall plan to establish a dialogue between the Cultural Heritage, the ICT and the e-Infrastructures (working groups, international conferences & publications) to explore how e-Infrastructures can add value to the research in the digital cultural heritage and to anticipate a range of advanced services (focused seminars and workshops) to develop and endorse a Joint Activitiees Plan (commitment from the stakeholders)

11 DC-NET Project Plan Management & governance Network of common interest
Joint Activities Plan e-Infrastructure awareness New service priorities Technical validation Dissemination

12 Priority services A prioritised list of the most immediately important services Long-term preservation Persistent identifiers Interoperability and Aggregation Advanced search Data resource set-up User authentication and access control IPR and digital rights management

13 INDICATE Coordination Action
INDICATE is targeted to the Mediterranean region It includes the exploration of international opportunities of joint activities Research field: e-infrastructure for the digital cultural heritage Started on the 1st September 2010 will last 2 years

14 INDICATE Partners Italy: Ministero per i beni e le attività culturali - Istituto Centrale per il Catalogo Unico (coordinator) Italy: Consotium GARR Italy: COMETA France: Ministère de la Culture e la Communication Greece: Nationa Technical Univrsity of Athens Spain: I2CAT Slovenia: Institute for the Protection of Cultural Heritage Egypt: CULTNAT Jordan: Department of Antiquities Turkey: Ministry of Culture and Tourism

15 DC-NET and INDICATE INDICATE DC-NET 1/12/2009 1/9/2010 31/05/2012 31/8/2012 The two projects run in parallel for about 1 and half year. They have partners in common: ICCU and MCC NTUA and AAS that provide technological support the DC-NET partners from Greece and Slovenia GARR and COMETA that participate to the DC-NET working groups The programmes idenitified in DC-NET will be used for the sustainability of the results of INDICATE. Rossella CAFFO, ICCU

16 INDICATE Project plan

17 Pilots and case studies
E-Infrastructure-enabled semantic search for cultural repositories E-Infrastructure-enabled e-Collaborative Digital Archive (based on Grid e-infrastructure) 3 Case studies Digital preservation Virtual exhibitions Geocoded digital cultural content Rossella CAFFO, ICCU 17

18 Digital Preservation The INDICATE questionnaire:
We would like to invite the Chinese cultural institutions to participate to the questionnaire Workshop in Ankara on 7-8 July 2011 Best practice report for publications (September 2011) 18

19 The INDICATE questionnaire on preservation
Information about the respondent Policies for preservation Technical information about the solutions adopted/developed Standards, metadata, formats Storage backup Planing and conclusions

20 Digital Cultural Heritage Network of common interest
To establish a network of researchers and experts in e-Infrastructures and cultural heritage To foster the dialog among different actors and different countries which are not used to work together Sharing knowledge of applicable standards To work on a long-term basis and to continue beyond the individual projects life-time

21 Target audience and Stakeholders
Cultural heritage institutions (museums, libraries, archives) Ministries of Culture International associations of memory institutions (e.g., NEMO, EMF, ICOM, EBLIDA, CENL, …) E-Infrastructures providers (NREN, Grid, etc.) Ministries and state agencies who are responsible for e-Infrastructures International Policy bodies for the research infrastructures (eIRG, ESFRI) Research organisations (universities, private and public research centres) Other projects in the digital culture and in the e-Infrastructures

22 The vision To implement a seamless data and services infrastructure for the research of the cultural heritage virtual community, which provides key services such as: preservation and backup, authentication and data integrity, collaborative research environments, advanced (cross-collection, multilingual and semantic) search and retrieval intellectual property management and authorised use of DCH content.

23 Sustainability of DCH e-Infrastructure
National programmes in the areas of Research Cultural heritage Innovation & e-government European programmes Infrastructures ICT CIP Regional programmes for digitisation and access

24 Programmes coordination
The pre-requisite for the sustainability of the DCH e-Infrastructure is the coordination of public programmes: national, regional and European The programmes addressed by DC-NET belong to two families: Research for the cultural heritage Creation and innovative access to digital content

25 Joint Programming Initiative for Cultural Heritage
"Cultural Heritage and Global Change: a new challenge for Europe“ - EC Recommendation 26/4/2010 17 Member States participate + 4 observers Chaired by Italy To define, develop and implement strategic research agendas DC-NET is endorsed by the JPI

26 Joint Programming Initiative Cultural Heritage
NET-HERITAGE DC-NET Tangible Cultural Heritage Digital CulturalHeritage

27 Impacts Impact on the e-Infrastructures
The adoption of the e-Infrastructures by the digital cultural heritage community will open new scenarios of use and exploitation Impact on the cultural heritage Cultural managers will become more aware about the potential that the e-infrastructures can offer to their work: storage, preservation, services for the cultural institutions, etc. Impact on European research A better integration of the cultural sector with the e-Infrastructures will enable the research of new advanced services and applications Impact on the general public Digital cultural content will become more usable and re-usable for education, cultural tourism, long-life learning, non-professional cultural interests, etc. 27

28 Next appointment in Budapest
Under the aegis of the Hungarian Presidency of the European Union 23-24 June 2011 – Second DC-NET Conference focused on long-term digital preservation of cultural content Further information online at: www. 28

29 Thank you Antonella FRESA DC-NET, INDICATE, LINKED HERITAGE Technical Coordinator

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