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The Triumph of Revolution

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1 The Triumph of Revolution

2 a call or flourish often played on a trumpet and/or other brass instruments and percussion
used to signal the arrival of an important person composed with limited notes - often the notes of a triad / based on the harmonic series A fanfare is … played in large indoor and outdoor spaces made up of strong rhythms and highly imitative used to send messages to other people used to introduce a ceremony or event

3 You must create a piece that is short; stirring and,
Your task is to compose a fanfare for the arrival of an important visitor to your school. You must create a piece that is short; stirring and, above all, attention-grabbing. It needs to be: 15-20 seconds in length and; performed outside. Many fanfares are what is called 'triadic' in nature as they use mainly the notes of a triad. (Ask your teacher to explain basic triads to you if you do not understand). Your teacher will play through this bugle call called 'assembly' - this summons people to a common place. It only uses the notes C E G which are the notes of a basic C major triad. So it is said to be ‘triadic’ in nature - now try this in your piece. Tip: To make your piece sound authentic try using dotted rhythms, like in the bugle call above, or triplets like in the opening of Shostakovich’s piece. Why not listen again to the opening and use the same rhythms?

4 The Major Triad A basic major triad is made up of a root note with a major third and perfect fifth above it ….. Actually it’s not quite as tricky as this sounds to work out what notes are in a major triad. If we take a major triad of C we call the root note ‘C’ – we now need a major 3rd and a perfect 5th above it. For the major 3rd count up 4 semitones from the root – this gives you the note ‘E’. Then go back to the root note and count up 7 semitones and this gives you the note ‘G’. SO THE NOTES IN A MAJOR TRIAD OF ‘C’ ARE C, E AND G. Challenge: Use this method to work out the notes contained in other major triads. Remember that the note name of the triad is the root – count up 4 semitones to get the major 3rd, then count up 7 semitones from the root to get the perfect 5th. For example a triad of F has the root of ‘F’ plus ‘A’ and ‘C’. Try it from any note – play the triad on a keyboard and try to get used to its sound. Tip: The interval of a semitone on a keyboard instrument is basically to the next key without missing out any black or white keys.

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