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ME 114 Computer Assignment #1

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1 ME 114 Computer Assignment #1
Charles Svoboda

2 Problem Statement Problem 19.169:
A 400-kg motor supported by four springs, each of constant 150 kN/m, and a dashpot of constant c = 6500 N-s/m, is constrained to move vertically. Knowing that the unbalance of the rotor is equivalent to a 23-g mass located at a distance of 100 mm from the axis of rotation, determine for a speed of 800 rpm (a) the amplitude of the fluctuating force transmitted to the foundation, (b) the amplitude of the vertical motion of the motor.

3 Problem Solving Steps Model the problem in Working Model 2-D software.
Run simulation in software and measure all necessary results. Determine the solution to the problem using the simulation results.

4 Step 1: The first thing I did was model the problem in WorkingModel 2-D, using simple geometric shapes for the motor and base as well as four springs and one dashpot, given the same property values as stated in the problem. I used slotted joints to ensure the vertical constraint of the system’s displacement.

5 Step 2: I then replicated the unbalance of the rotor by placing a 23 g object .1 m away from the center using a motor with an angular velocity of 800 rpm, which I calculated as being rad/s (see zoomed image below).

6 Step 3: I then commanded the model to measure the force on the base as well as its displacement during the simulation.

7 Step 4: I then ran the simulation and determined that the amplitude of the fluctuating force on the base was about 2.6 N and that its displacement amplitude was almost zero.

8 Conclusion: My results did not exactly match the answer to the problem as shown on the problem page. I was not able to show the displacement of the base in a small enough increment to get an answer so small, although I believe my model accurately demonstrates such a small displacement. I believe that the mass of the base contributed to a different answer for the forces, especially considering that the example assumes that the base has no mass. I have found that this software, WorkingModel 2-D, does not allow for mass-less bodies.

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