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Hadhur’s (aba) Khutba – 8/16/13

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1 Duties of a Finance Secretary Nasir Ahmad Finance Refresher Course Feb 21, 2015

2 Hadhur’s (aba) Khutba – 8/16/13
Finance secretaries need to do Tarbiyyat of Jamaat members related to financial sacrifice. Finance secretaries need to become very active in this regard. This needs constant attention. Finance secretary of local Jamaats need to reach out to every earning member themselves. They can't assign this task to auxiliaries. Auxiliaries will only help by way of advising their members about financial sacrifice. 

3 Hadhur’s (aba) Khutba – 8/16/13
Finance secretary should reach out to every single household by way of phone, or in-person. All of these modes of communication (available in Western countries) should be utilized. Finance secretaries should improve their own standard of financial sacrifice. If their own standard in this regard is not good, how can they ask others about it?

4 Hadhur’s (aba) Khutba – 8/16/13
This work can only be accomplished with love and in a polite manner. Never be harsh to anyone, even if you have to ask them multiple times. Ensure the expenditures are done in the most correct way possible.

5 Goals/Target 100% of earning members should be Chanda paying at the prescribed rate Members paying irregularly and/or at less than prescribed rate should be persuaded to pay regularly at the prescribed rate Young Khuddam and Lajna starting jobs for the first time should be included in Lazmi Chanda All Lajna earning members should be persuaded to pay Lazmi Chandajaat Chanda Jalsa Salana should be collected along with Chanda Aam and Wasiyyat

6 Considerations Appoint Muhasils
Prepare a team with tasks assigned (esp. for Large Jamaats) Appoint Assistants Utilize Additional Finance secretary

7 Monthly Tasks Encourage and remind every earning member to pay Chanda regularly Collect Chanda and issue receipts (must be issued with 2 weeks of receipt of chanda) Enter all receipts into Finance software Collect all Expense receipts with required documentation for submission to NHQ Close month on 30/31st

8 Monthly Tasks Income Batch (Donation collection sheet) and Expenditure statement must reach NHQ by 7th of the following month Reconcile Bank account Pay all Utility bills on time Update Tajneed

9 Monthly Reporting Requirements
Income batch must include ALL green receipts Expenditure statement should be sent along with original expense receipts (Please keep copy for your records and Audit purpose) Bank statement for Income account Bank statement for Expenditure account All direct deposit tickets for the month, the total of which must match the Income batch amount

10 Quarterly Tasks Observe Lazmi Chanda Collection months (Sep, Dec, Mar, and Jun) – Deliver at least one Jumma sermon on Financial sacrifice Mail Quarterly Chanda statements to all earning members Call by phone each earning member at least once each quarter Update list of earning Lajna members

11 Quarterly Tasks Involve Local/Regional Missionary to review quarterly targets Discuss Chanda collection in local Amila meeting Mail/ Quarterly report form to the NHQ

12 Primary Responsibility
Educate your Jamaat’s earning members about the importance of financial sacrifice

13 Primary Responsibility
Motivate and remind them regularly to pay Lazmi Chanda according to the prescribed rate Pray for all your earning members that Allah enables them to fulfill their financial obligations


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