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Lecture (12) Technology hazardous waste treatment.

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Presentation on theme: "Lecture (12) Technology hazardous waste treatment."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lecture (12) Technology hazardous waste treatment.

2 Lecture (12) Technology hazardous waste treatment.
Lecture (12): Lecture objectives: By the end of this lecture students should be able to: To know the technology hazardous waste treatment. To know hazardous waste disposable. To know the general requirements for disposal of hazardous waste.

3 Lecture (12) Technology hazardous waste treatment.
Technology hazardous waste treatment any process designed to changes the typical physical, chemical or biological characteristics of a waste to minimize its threat to health and environment.

4 Treatment of Hazardous Waste:
Waste treatment involves almost anything that can be done to a hazardous waste prior to disposal. Any method, technique or, process designed to change the physical, chemical, or biological character or composition of the hazardous waste, so as to neutralize the waste or to make the waste less hazardous and thereby safer for transport, increase potential for recovery, reuse or storage, or to reduce waste volume. The treatment methods might include among others precipitation, evaporation, filtration or iron exchange technology.

5 Disposal of Hazardous:
Waste Disposal is the placement of hazardous waste with or without treatment in the designated facility which can permanently contain the waste and prevent the release of harmful substances. The most common hazardous waste disposal practices includes placement in the land disposal unit such as land fill, surface impoundment, waste pile, land treatment unit or injection well.

6 General Requirements for Disposal of Hazardous Waste
The generator is required to determine and follow the proper management method of the waste. Existing relevant legislation, regulations and guidelines. Open burning of hazardous waste is not allowed. Treated hazardous waste may be directed for land filling or to a municipal sewage system provided that the national effluent standards are met. Different types of hazardous wastes should not be mixed together in the same container. Hazardous waste containers must be properly managed.

7 Topic No (2): Disposal of waste in the soil (injection wells or burial).
Burial pits: The bottom of the pit should be 1.5 m above the groundwater level, 3-5 m deep, and lined with a substance of low permeability, such as clay. Surround the opening with a mound to keep run-off water from entering the hole, and build a fence around the area. Periodically, cover waste layers with cm of soil.


9 Dealing with Hazardous Wastes

10 Deep-well Disposal


12 Hazardous Waste Landfill


14 Quiz Quiz (1):Technology hazardous waste treatment any ………….,……………,………….. designed to changes the typical ……………, ………….. or ………………. characteristics of a waste to minimize its …………. to health and environment.

15 Quiz (2): The most common hazardous waste disposal practices includes placement in the land disposal unit such as: Land fill. Surface impoundment. Waste pile. Injection well. All the above.

16 Quiz (3): Write briefly about general requirements for disposal of hazardous waste.

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