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Sit down, get quiet, get ready to play

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Presentation on theme: "Sit down, get quiet, get ready to play"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sit down, get quiet, get ready to play

2 Jeopardy Final Jeopardy $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200
Technology 1 Technology 2 Technology 3 Technology 4 Technology 5 $100 $100 $100 $100 $100 $200 $200 $200 $200 $200 $300 $300 $300 $300 $300 $400 $400 $400 $400 $400 $500 $500 $500 $500 $500 Final Jeopardy

3 Technology 1 - $100 This force pulls something apart. What is tension?

4 Technology 1 - $200 This is known as a twisting force.
What is torsion?

5 Technology 1 - $300 A machine which uses a blade consisting of a continuous band of metal with teeth along one edge used to cut various materials. What is a band saw?

6 Technology 1 - $400 A placed feature in AutoDesk Inventor that bevels a part’s edge and is defined by its placement, size and angle. What is chamfer?

7 Technology 1 - $500 The set of magnitudes (visually represented by the X, Y and Z axis) that determine the position of points, lines, curves and planes in part and assembly files. (Can also think in math terms) What is the coordinate system?

8 Technology 2 - $100 This force pushes down on an object.
What is compression?

9 Technology 2 - $200 The weight of a bridge or structure by itself.
What is dead load?

10 Technology 2 - $300 The ratio of the live load to dead load is called this. What is structural efficiency?

11 Technology 2 - $400 Two or more components (parts or subassemblies) considered as a single model in AutoDesk Inventor. What is an assembly?

12 Technology 2 - $500 Which of Newton’s Laws of Motion states, “For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction.”? What is Newton’s 3rd Law?

13 Technology 3 - $100 A single component that makes up a bridge or other structure. What is a member?

14 Technology 3 - $200 This machine is used to create holes in wood or other materials. What is a drill press?

15 Technology 3 - $300 A placed feature in AutoDesk Inventor applied to edges and corners of a 3D model. Defined by its type, radius and placement. What is fillet?

16 Technology 3 - $400 The force caused by the release of CO2 that moves the dragster forward. What is thrust?

17 Technology 3 - $500 When you were designing your dragster on the computer in Inventor, you used the mirror tool for the top view. What did this tool allow you to do? (Be specific with your answer) What is make the car symmetrical?

18 Technology 4- $100 This is considered to be the strongest shape.
What is a triangle?

19 Technology 4 - $200 This structural component helps strengthen a joint on a bridge or other structure. What is a gusset?

20 Technology 4 - $300 The minimum number of inches your hands should be from any saw blade. What is 2 inches?

21 Technology 4 - $400 A single part placed into an assembly drawing in AutoDesk Inventor is called. What is a component?

22 Technology 4 - $500 The graphical hierarchy showing relationships among geometric elements in parts, assemblies and drawings. (What I referred to as the white space or area on the left side of the screen in Inventor). What is the browser?

23 Technology 5 - $100 The weight added to a bridge such as vehicles, snow, wind, etc. What is live load?

24 Technology 5 - $200 A feature created by adding depth to a sketched profile in AutoDesk Inventor. What is extrude?

25 Technology 5 - $300 True or false, the higher the number on a piece of sand paper, the rougher it is. What is false.

26 Technology 5 - $400 Distance from the center point of an arc or circle to a point on its circumference. What is radius?

27 Technology 5 - $500 A parametric feature in Inventor used most frequently for cast or molded parts. From a specified face, material is removed from the part, leaving a cavity with walls of a specified thickness What is shell?

28 Final Jeopardy A part or subassembly for which all six degrees of freedom were removed relative to the assembly origin. This prevents a part from being able to move. (Represented by a push pin in Inventor) What is grounded component?

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